Donna laughed at her own self when she told her coworkers and chat room friends about her unwelcome visitor the previous night, but it sure wasn't very funny at the time.

"I would have had a heart attack if that had happened to me," her friend Betty said when Donna told her about the intruder from the night before.

The next night while Donna was in the chat room The Enchanter came in.

"I thought I was going to have to call the police," she laughed as she told him about her experience the night before.

"Maybe you should keep me around from now on. I don't have very much experience in rescuing beautiful ladies from bandit raccoons, but I'm a fast learner," he kidded back.

"Maybe Animal Control would be better suited to solve this problem," she kidded back, Some how Donna got the feeling he was just a little too serious and meant what he said. Although she was flattered by his sincerity, she wasn't ready to make a personal or permanent commitment right now to anyone. Still she would be polite and continue to chat with him. Donna wasn't the type of person to intentionally hurt anyone.

It must have embarrassed The Enchanter because he politely excused himself and left the room.

"I think you just got a proposal Donna," Silver laughed.

"I think you may be right," Donna echoed.

A few of the other chatters chimed in and kidded Donna a little, but it was all in fun.

Donna was not sure, but she had an uneasy feeling she was being watched whenever she left her house to go to work or go shopping. She paid close attention to the people she would see in the mall or at the store to see if they were faces she saw when she went shopping elsewhere, but still she couldn't be sure. She couldn't call the police because all she had was a strange feeling and no real proof. Maybe she was being paranoid, but still she couldn't shake this feeling.

A couple of days later Donna was talking to her friend Betty at the office where they worked. Donna told her about the sudden interest the three men seemed to show in her lately whenever she entered a chat room.

When Betty found out Donna was using her real name instead of an alias she insisted Donna change it immediately.

"You have no idea who you might be talking to and wouldn't that be kind of foolish to deliberately lead a psychopath to your front door?" Betty told her. Copyright 2016 - 2025