She sucked in a quick breath. “That excites me. It means you’re passionate, something I’ve always known about you. Why are you holding that passion back from me?”

It was hard to have this discussion when his dick was inside her soft, wet pussy, when all he wanted to do was keep fucking her until he released the tension building up inside him. “Let’s not do this now.”

“Oh, let’s definitely do this now.” Her soft smile curled into one of wicked intent. “Show me what you’ve got.”

A muscle ticked in his cheek. “Be careful what you wish for.”

“Or I might get it? Give it to me, Pax. I want all you’ve got.”

He snaked his arm around her waist and shot upright, holding her as he made his way to the hallway. He slammed her back against the wall, his hands sliding down to grab her by the ass. He planted his mouth over hers and let her see what was really inside him. All the passion, all the need, everything he’d never given to a woman before, he gave to Teresa.

He thrust hard with his cock and his tongue, forcing both deep inside her, punishing her for wanting what he knew would drive her away from him. But he couldn’t help himself. She’d asked and he’d wanted to give this to her, to show her who he really was, what he was capable of, even if it destroyed what they’d just started.

He pounded against her, hard, harder, then sank down to the floor where he spread her legs and slid between them, lifting her knees to her chest so he could thrust deeper inside her, once again taking her mouth in a brutal kiss.

It was only then he became dimly aware that she was kissing him back with equal force, that her fingers tangled in his hair, that she scored her nails down his arm—and not in protest. He lifted his head and looked down at her, shocked to see the glittering pleasure in her eyes, the softness of a smile on her face.

“More,” she whispered, cupping his neck to bring his lips to hers again.

The floodgates burst. He reared back and powered inside her, burying himself deep. He drew her legs down and spread them, his fingers pressed to her inner thighs so he could keep her open, so he could watch his cock sliding in and out of her, taking it slow and easy now, giving her a chance to catch her breath.

But she arched her hips to draw him inside.

“Don’t stop, Pax. Let me feel you.”

Panting, he dropped down on top of her, her breasts crushed against his chest. He slipped one hand under her butt and dragged the other through her hair, tangling his fingers in the softness of it, pulling on it to draw her head back so he could kiss her mouth and slide his tongue across her neck while at the same time pushing her butt up to tighten their connection.

“You want all of me? You got it,” he said, anger and passion fusing as he tunneled hard inside her, his orgasm like a storm raging inside him. He could feel it in the tightening of his balls, the quivering of his cock as he pushed with relentless force inside Teresa. And still she wouldn’t back down, raking her nails down his back, biting at his lips and refusing to yield, taking everything he had to give and demanding more, until he dug into the carpet and pushed them both forward with the force of his thrusts.

He found the crevice between her buttocks, moist with her pussy juices, and rocked his finger back and forth over her anus. Teresa moaned, lifting her gaze to his.

“Yes. Do it.”

He slid his finger inside her and finger fucked her ass as he continued to thrust inside her pussy with hard strokes.

“You like being double fucked?”


“I’m going to fuck your ass soon, Teresa. You ready for that?”

Her gaze met his, and her lips moist from licking them, she said, “Yes. Fuck me there.”

He shoved his finger deeper inside the hole, feeling it grip tight while her pussy convulsed around him. His cock twitched and he pulled back, not ready to shoot inside her just yet. Instead, he pulled out. “Get on your knees.”

She rolled over and pulled herself up. Pax shoved his cock inside her pussy again, and Teresa screamed in pleasure, tossing her head back and pushing against him. He parted her butt cheeks. “I can see your ass now,” he said, sliding his finger back and forth over the puckered hole. “So tight, so hot. You want me to fuck you there?”


He slid his finger inside, burying it all the way, fucking her in both places. She threw her head back, all that beautiful hair spilling over her shoulders.

“Nobody takes this ass but me, Teresa. It’s mine.” He pulled his finger out and back in again, fucking her in rhythm to the strokes he gave her pussy. “Mine.”

“Yours,” she said. “Now fuck me hard and make me come.”

She reached between her legs to rub her clit and shattered, her pussy gripping his cock and taking him with her as she pushed back against him, squeezing everything he had. His orgasm roared out of him, blinding him, making him dizzy until he glued himself to her back and held on, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her damp neck.

And when they both could breathe again, he lifted her and squeezed them both into the tiny box of a shower. They laughed as they maneuvered for room, but neither of them minded the intimacy as they soaped up and rinsed off. After they dried, they fell onto the bed and Pax pulled the blanket over them.

Teresa snuggled against him and Pax closed his eyes, not sure when he’d ever felt more content.

Even the warning bells clanging in his head, trying to remind him not to get close, couldn’t keep him from wrapping his arm around her to snug her closer as he drifted off to sleep.


TERESA WOKE TO THE SMELL OF BACON, ONE OF HER FAVORITE things. Well, that and coffee. She stretched, smiling at the soreness of her muscles that had been oh so beautifully used last night by Pax. She rolled over and frowned, realizing it was daylight pouring in through the tiny window.

She slid out of bed and threw on her clothes, opened the bedroom door to see AJ cooking breakfast. She went over to him and put her arms around him.


He kissed the top of her head. “Morning. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

She moved to the coffeepot to pour a cup. “You didn’t. The smell of bacon and coffee did. Can I help?”

“Yeah, you can make some eggs if you want.”

When breakfast was ready, they sat at the table with their plates and coffee.

“Did you come to bed?”

He nodded over a sip of coffee. “Yeah. You were out of it. Pax must have really worn you out.”

“I guess so. Sorry.”

He frowned. “For what?”

“You and I didn’t get to—”

He laughed. “No one’s keeping score, Teresa. Just because you had sex with Pax last night doesn’t mean I was going to jump you as soon as I came to the trailer. It doesn’t work that way.”

She flipped her hair behind her ears and scraped up eggs onto her fork. “I guess I just need to learn the rules.”

“The rules are whatever we want them to be. Now, me? I’m not big on rules.”

“Aren’t you in the wrong profession then?”

He laughed. “Sometimes it seems that way.”

They ate in silence until their plates were empty. Teresa washed the dishes and AJ dried them and put them away. She couldn’t help but think this might have been their life if things had been different. She let out a laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“I was just thinking about you and me doing dishes together. How this might have been us if we had stayed together all those years ago.”

“Might have been. But I don’t think so. I wasn’t really the domestic type back then.”

She turned and leaned against the counter. “Oh, and you are now?”

“I’m older now.”

“Which means?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m more settled.”

She wasn’t buying it, refused to even consider that AJ was the white picket fence and wife and kids type. “Please. You’re no more settled now than you were ten years ago. Look at your job. You probably don’t spend more time in one place than whatever it takes to complete an assignment. Then you move on.”

“That’s my job.”

“No, AJ, that’s your life. And that life no more suits a family now than it did back when you had wanderlust and a desire for adventure.”

And it would never fit her. Not any more now than it did ten years ago.

He took a seat at the table and looked up at her. “What do you want me to tell you, Teresa? How many more times do you want me to apologize for leaving you all those years ago? I know how our lives might have been different. Maybe I’d have been able to clean up my act and we could have gotten married. We might have had a couple kids.” He smiled wistfully. “I know you wanted kids.”

She palmed her stomach, the pain unbearable. “We used to talk about that.”

“Yeah, we did. We had a lot of plans for the future.”

She went over and kneeled in front of him. “We were kids. We didn’t know what we were talking about. They were dreams, AJ.”

“Dreams I crushed when I decided to leave.”

The look on his face before he turned away—the regret, the sadness. Wow. She’d had no idea. “You carry a lot of guilt about that, don’t you?”

He shrugged. “I feel bad for leaving you. A lot of things might have been different.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll never know. You live the life you’re meant to live, given the circumstances. You can’t change what is.”

He smoothed his hand over her hair. “Are you always so forgiving?”

She smiled. “Not to everyone. Some people I will never forgive for what they did. But you and me? We were young and had big dreams and no sense of what the real world was like, AJ. It’s time to move on from it. We’re adults now.”

“With different dreams?”

“With different realities. We’re not the same people anymore.”

“Magnanimous and forgiving. So maybe we should start over.”

She averted her gaze. “Can’t do that. Too much history between us. You know too much about me, not just about the past, but what happened while you were gone. I have no secrets left to hide.”

He swept his palm across her cheek. “You’re the only one who knows my real name.”

“Really. Really? You know what ‘AJ’ stands for? You gotta tell me.”

Pax stood in the open doorway of the RV, grinning.

“Why, yes, I do. It’s A—”

AJ clamped his hand over Teresa’s mouth and threw her to the floor. She laughed uncontrollably as Pax rushed over to pry AJ’s fingers away.

“Oh, come on, man,” Pax said, dropping down on the floor and wrestling with AJ. “Let her tell me. The Wild Riders have been wanting to know what ‘AJ’ means for years now.”

Free of the two of them, who were now rolling on the floor like kids, Teresa sat up and leaned against the wall, hiccupping from laughing so hard. “Oh, AJ, this might cost you.”

He grabbed her by the ankles and tugged her between them. “You think so? I can keep you silent.”

But Pax pulled her against him and tickled her ribs. “And I have ways of making you talk.”

Before long she was out of breath and shrieking with laughter, crying for mercy and begging to be let up. They let her go and she fixed them all cups of coffee while the guys—or boys, rather—picked themselves up off the floor and made it to the table.

“What’s going on at the Fists’ camp?” AJ asked.

“They’re locked down tight. Stayed up almost all night. A couple others came out of the RV and they partied hard, smoked some weed and emptied a keg of beer. I’d say we have a couple hours’ reprieve at least while they all sleep it off.” Copyright 2016 - 2024