“I’m not worried about AJ.”

“Then why don’t you tell me what’s got you so bent out of shape?”

“I should be out there, too. I should be able to participate. This isn’t fair.”

He laid his hands on her shoulders, let his fingers press in. Yeah, her muscles were tight as boulders. “No, it’s not fair. But it is what it is and you have to accept it.”

She shrugged his hands off and backed away. “I don’t feel useful.”

He took a few steps forward, refusing to let her walk away from him. “I don’t know how much more useful you can be. You’re the key to getting your brother released from this murder charge. You just can’t be the one hiding out in the woods.”

She tilted her head back to meet his gaze, and Pax was lost in the sadness he saw there. “I need to do more.”

He slid his knuckles across her cheek, mesmerized by the softness of her skin. “Why?”

“Because Joey has always been there for me.”

“And you’re bending over backward for him. So why isn’t that enough?”

She looked away, brushed past him to take up pacing again. “I don’t know. I just have to . . . do this myself.”

He frowned. “Why? Why can’t you let AJ and me handle this part?”

She stopped. He heard her sigh. “I can’t explain it. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me.”

She turned. “I don’t want to owe you.”

Stunned, he could only stare at her. “What? You think you owe us for helping you?”

“I don’t know. I’m just not happy about this.” She sat on the sofa and pulled her knees to her chest. “I want to do things by myself. For myself and for Joey. I didn’t want to bring you and AJ into this. I feel like all of this . . .” She lifted her head. “What does it mean, anyway?”

He had no idea what she was talking about. She was talking in circles. “What does what mean, honey? I’m not following you.”

“This. You, me and AJ. We’ve somehow fallen into this . . . relationship. If it’s even a relationship. It doesn’t make sense. I’m feeling things and I don’t want to feel them. How the hell am I supposed to handle what’s going on with the three of us? How do you guys handle it? Or maybe you just don’t. It’s probably fun and games and sex, and you don’t feel a damn thing. But I do, goddammit. And what the hell am I supposed to do about that when the two of you pack up and leave?”

Oh. Now he understood. He sat next to her. “Why do we have to understand it?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. It makes me feel strange.”


She lifted her gaze to his. “Honestly? Sometimes.”

“In what way?”

“Like right now. AJ’s out there in the cold by himself and you and me are here in this warm RV alone together.”

Ah. Things were starting to make sense. “And you want to fuck me.”

Her head shot up, her gaze making direct contact with his. “I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to. AJ’s out there and you want me and that makes you feel guilty.”

She looked at him, then gave a quick nod. “Okay, fine. Yes.”

He dragged her onto his lap, eliciting a surprised gasp from her. But when she tried to wriggle away, he held tight. “Don’t ever apologize for wanting either of us, whether we’re together or alone.”


“No buts. AJ and I are adults. We know you want both of us. I can one hundred percent bet you that AJ assumes we’re fucking right now.”

Her brows lifted. “You sure about that?”

“Yes. And I can also bet you that when it’s my turn to go out there he’s going to crawl into bed with you and fuck you.”

He saw the flare of heat in her eyes, knew she was imagining that scene. “And that doesn’t bother you.”

“No. Why should it? It’s not like you don’t want me or that you want him more than me. I’ll have my time with you. And even if you did want him more than you wanted me, that’s your choice to make, Teresa. We don’t control how you feel or who you want. That’s your decision. Free will, you know. You have a right to want what you want . . . and who you want.”

Her body was pliant and warm against his. “I don’t understand the two of you. This makes no sense. Men are territorial and possessive.”

“Quit trying to label AJ and me like most men. We aren’t wired that way.”

“I just think—”

He slid his hand under her hair, cupped the nape of her neck, and drew her lips to his. “Stop thinking so much.”

He kissed her and she melted against him. Yeah, that’s what he wanted, and he knew it’s what Teresa wanted, too. She just needed to stop denying herself what her body craved, needed to stop trying to figure out what the three of them meant to one another. If Pax tried too hard to think about what it meant, he’d drive himself crazy. So he chose not to think about it at all, not to think about anything but how it felt at the moment when he held Teresa in his arms. It was the only thing that mattered.

He slid his arm down her back. Her body was warm and he sought bare skin wherever he could find it—the spot where her tank top dipped inward, revealing her shoulder blades. He slid his hand inside there and she shuddered against him.

He pulled his lips from hers. “You cold?”

She leaned away and smiled at him. “No. I like the way you touch me.” She grasped his hand and laid it over one breast. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipple hardened against his palm. His cock, already half hard, went to full erection at the feel of the bud stiffening against his hand. But that wasn’t enough, because he wanted to see her, touch her skin, taste her. He lifted her shirt and bared her breasts, brought her sweet flesh to his mouth to put his lips around her nipple. She gasped and tightened against him, arching upward and wriggling her butt, which made his dick go crazy.

He liked that she let loose with him, that she went a little wild when he sucked her nipples.


He really liked her whispering his name and the way she slid her fingers into his hair. He let go of one nipple and moved to the other, capturing the bud and sucking gently, folding his fingers around her breast to feed. She whimpered, and her cries of pleasure were the sweetest sounds.

She was relaxed against him, abandoned fully in what he was doing to her, just what he’d wanted for her—for them. He let his fingers dance down her flat belly, tucked them under her sweats, surprised and really damn happy to find she didn’t have panties on.

He lifted his head and watched her face as he cupped her sex. It was damp with arousal and he used that moisture to swirl over her clit, then dip his fingers inside her.

“You’re wet.”

Her eyes opened and she stared up at him with such desire it hurt.

“I want you.”

He tucked his fingers in farther, using his thumb to roll over her clit. Her lips parted and she let out a soft moan as her body responded by squeezing his fingers and spilling wet desire all over his hand.

“I like that, Pax. Do it some more.”

Whatever reservations she’d had about what had happened to her five years ago seemed to be gone, at least for now. She was fully involved in this—in him, and though he didn’t normally do a woman without AJ being there with him to keep things light, easy and fun, there was something about Teresa that made him want to dive in and possess her, make her his.

In the far recesses of his mind he knew he was stepping into dangerous territory, a place that went beyond physical pleasure to something much deeper, but he couldn’t hold back now, not when this beautiful woman gave him everything he’d ever wanted—and more. He wanted to make her come, and he wanted it just for himself.

“Come for me, Teresa. Let me feel it.”

He drove the heel of his palm against her sex and quickened the motions of his fingers. Her movements and the sounds she made told him he’d hit the right spot, and he kept his motions right there, watching her face tighten as she inched closer to her orgasm.

She gripped his arm and held him there. “Pax.”

“Yeah, baby.”

“I’m going to come.”

He increased the pressure just enough, and she tilted her head back and let out a soft cry that made his balls quiver as she came, writhing against him. He drew her up and pressed his mouth to hers, taking in every shudder and gasp until she finally settled with soft, panting whispers against his lips.

He deepened the kiss, letting his tongue wrap around hers, stroke it, lick it until her after-climax lull ramped up hot and fast again. She shifted, straddled his lap and rocked her pussy against his hard cock.

“This would be a lot more fun if we were naked.”

She hopped off and dropped her sweats to the floor. “Get your cock out so I can climb on it. I’ll be right back.”

By the time he had his jeans unzipped and his cock out, she was back with a condom packet in hand. This time, she tore the packet and rolled the condom on him, her fingers shaky as she finished the job.

“You in a hurry?” he asked, holding on to her hips as she settled herself over him again.

“I might be.”

He tried not to be, didn’t want this to be over fast. His balls were already swollen into tight knots and he was ready to explode inside her. He took a deep breath as she held on to his shaft and eased herself onto him. He gripped her hips, remembering to ease his hold on her so he wouldn’t hurt her, but damn he wanted to take her and take her hard. It was a good thing she was on top and could control the pace. His hunger for her increased every time he was with her, and he didn’t dare unleash everything he had on her.

Instead, he leaned his head back and let her lift up and slide down on his cock, gritting his teeth as the sensation damn near overpowered him. She was wet, her pussy juices coating his condom-clad shaft as she rose and fell in a soft, natural rhythm. He smoothed his hands over her hips and across her ribs toward her breasts, focusing on keeping things easy and light as he cupped the globes in his hands and swept his thumbs over her nipples, lifting his gaze to her face when she gasped.

She laid her palm against the wall and rocked back and forth, dragging her pussy against him, her breasts swaying with the rhythm she set. She leaned forward, brushed her nipples across his chest as she kissed him. Pax just held on and let her set the pace. He had to admit he enjoyed her moving and swaying over him while he just sat there and felt her squeeze his cock with her pussy, even if it wasn’t in his nature to let a woman do all the work. He liked being a more active participant, and okay, he liked taking control, but if this was what Teresa wanted, he wanted to give it to her. And it freed his hands to skim the sides of her ribs, to sweep over her breasts and play with her nipples. She moaned when he rolled them between his fingers. He increased the pressure just a little and she let out a soft cry, tilted her head back and arched her breasts at him.

She fell forward against his chest, then ground against his cock, digging her nails into his shoulders. He gripped her hips and helped her now.

“You like it rougher,” she said, her face only an inch from his.


She wriggled against him and his balls throbbed. “Show me how hard.”

“Teresa . . .”

“I want all of you, Pax. And you’re holding back, thinking I’ll be afraid.” She skimmed her fingertip across his bottom lip. “You don’t scare me.”

His fingers pressed into her hips. “You don’t know that.”

Her lips curled. “Try me.”

It took every ounce of willpower he had not to show her everything he had. “Teresa, there’s a dark side of me.”

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