Pax had to admit that the bike rally in Sturgis was one of his favorite places, so he didn’t mind combining a bit of business with pleasure. It was the be-all, end-all of bike rallys. If you were a biker, this was the place you wanted to be, along with hundreds of thousands of other bikers. How they were going to find the Fists—and the guy who stabbed Joey—was another matter, but if Teresa was determined, he’d back her up.

TERESA HELD HER BREATH AS THEY WOUND THROUGH ROADS that made the bike turn nearly on its side. It was a good thing she trusted Pax to know what he was doing, but she still held on like she might be tossed off at every curve. She wasn’t a novice at riding, but these were some steep curves, and she’d always had her own bike. Being on the back was a lot different than controlling your own destiny. When she wasn’t fearing for her life, though, she was absorbing every inch of the breathtaking scenery as they cruised into the Black Hills of South Dakota. And she only caught a glimpse of the stunning beauty of the area as they cruised down the highway. Miles of majestic forest still awaited her, and she knew Mount Rushmore was nearby, as well as a rally filled with bikers and motorcycles of every kind. Despite being here for a genuine purpose, she couldn’t help the rush of adrenaline.

Being on a bike again had been therapeutic, had forced her to face the trauma of that night at least in one way. The motorcycle hadn’t caused the rape. She could ride without fear, and the itch to climb on her own bike again began to grow in earnest. Trouble was, she had sold her old bike. It was time to start thinking of getting a new one.

Progress. She liked that. It filled her with hope.

They drove up a long, single driveway, and Teresa held her breath as they climbed off. A light shone at the top of the yard, spotlighting the hill they stood on. At the top of the hill she saw . . . everything. Sloping hills, steep mountains, miles of trees, an entire landscape spread out before them. Behind them stood General Lee’s house separated by private fencing and a big yard. The large cabin had a wraparound porch that looked as welcoming as anything she’d ever seen. It was wood-roofed and stone and rustic, with hanging pots swinging in the breeze. The porch light was on, and Teresa saw several Adirondack chairs with deep cushions, and could already imagine putting her feet up on the rail and watching what must be an incredible view from the porch. She couldn’t wait till morning.

“We’re staying here?”

AJ nodded. “Grange comes up here a lot on his time off. He likes the rides around the hills and into Wyoming.”

“He must do a lot of traveling.” She pointed to the RV parked under cover of the carport.

“He likes to see as much of the country as he can when he has downtime,” AJ said.

She grabbed her bag and followed AJ up the front steps. He slid his hand under one of the potted plants and pulled out a key, then opened the front door and turned on the lights.

THE INSIDE WAS JUST AS GOOD AS THE OUTSIDE. RUSTIC, BUT homey, with a huge L-shaped sofa, a cushy oversized ottoman set in front of it, a fireplace, wood flooring throughout and scattered area rugs. The place was huge, with three bedrooms plus two bathrooms. Much more room than Teresa had expected, enough to give her some distance from AJ and Pax, some time to think.

But did she really want that distance? Wasn’t that what the last five years had been about—distancing herself from men? Maybe it was time to bridge the gap.

No. That wasn’t why they were here. She had come here to find Larks’s killer and clear her brother, and that’s what she needed to concentrate on, not her personal hangups and finding a way through that particular mess.

“I put your stuff in the master bedroom,” AJ said.

Teresa turned around. “Why?”

“Because you’re the lady and you need the most room. Pax and I can crash anywhere.”

“Hope there aren’t bunk beds in those other two bedrooms,” Pax said.

Teresa laughed at the visual of two men over six feet tall trying to squeeze into beds made for kids.

“I don’t mind taking one of the smaller rooms.”

Pax slung his arm around her. “I was kidding. AJ is right. We could take the floor if we needed to. We’ve slept outside before. It doesn’t matter.”

“They aren’t bunk beds, dipshit,” AJ said. “I already checked out the other two rooms. They’re regular beds. Though Teresa has a nice king-sized bed.”

Built for three?

The thought entered her head, unbidden, and stayed there as she went into the master bedroom and unpacked, then freshened up after the long ride. She couldn’t seem to take her eyes off the bed. Big enough for her and Pax and AJ.

She felt the pull of desire as she imagined just what she could do with those men in her bed. Both of them.

Wasn’t it time she took back control of her sex life? Wasn’t it time she stopped being afraid of a man’s touch? Wasn’t it time she stopped letting those assholes who hurt her have power over her life?

Yes to all those questions. Hell yes. She was stronger than what had happened to her, physically and psychologically. It was time to put it to rest—not to forget, but to not let it lead her.

When she came out of the bedroom and into the living area, the sliding door was open. She stepped onto the back deck, her eyes widening at the sight of a sizeable hot tub and cushioned lounge chairs. The view from the back was just as good as the one from the front. There was a bit of a chill in the air tonight, and the thought of sliding into a steamy hot tub and watching the stars overhead appealed.

Pax and AJ were out there leaning against the wood railing.

“You bring your swimsuit?” AJ asked, his gaze shifting to the hot tub. They’d pulled the cover off and steam lifted off the top of the water.

She shook her head. “I didn’t even think about it.”

“Too bad,” Pax said. “Nice night for a soak in the tub.” Pax pushed off the railing and went back into the house. Teresa turned to AJ.

“I suppose you guys have swim trunks.” She was already jealous, thinking how great a hot soak would feel on her tired muscles.

AJ laughed. “No. But if you want to get in there and relax your muscles from the ride, Pax and I can make ourselves scarce.”

They’d do that, too. Would let her get in the hot tub all by herself. It was a lonely thought and didn’t appeal to her at all. She wanted to share it with them. With both of them.

“How about we all get in and relax together?”

She refused to look away, wanted to see what was in his eyes, needed to know if it was going to be too much. She wasn’t sure if what she suggested was a sexual invitation, or just an invitation to get in the hot tub and have some company.

AJ shrugged. “Fine with me. Why don’t you get in. I’ll go see if Pax wants to join us.”

He left and she was out there alone. Plenty of privacy for her to strip. It was now or never.

She wanted this now. At least the hot tub part. She undressed and slid over the rim of the tub. The water was hot, but perfect. She found the button for the jets and turned them on. Bubbles obliterated the view of her body, and she leaned her head against the edge and stared up at the stars blanketing the night sky. They were so close they seemed about to fall down on her at any moment.

It was breathtaking out here, the air cool and crisp, which made the temperature of the water just right. Her muscles melted as the jets worked the soreness out of her back. She closed her eyes and drifted away, until a hand touched her face. She didn’t flinch.

“You falling asleep in there?”

She smiled at AJ. “No. Just relaxing.”

“How about a beer?”

She lifted her hand out of the water to take the can of beer from him, engaged by the steam rising off her arm. “Sure.”

AJ popped open the top of his beer and sat on the edge of the hot tub. “Nice night.”

“Yes it is. Where’s Pax?”

“Inside, making us some snacks. Grange managed to call ahead and have the fridge fully stocked.”

“Pax cooks?”

“Pax cooks. It’s not steak, but it’ll do for tonight. I was hungry.”

Teresa turned around and saw Pax come out with a tray filled with . . . something. He set the tray down on the side bench attached to the hot tub.

“I made some finger foods. Easier to eat when you’re all wet.”

Chips and dips and sandwiches and vegetables, and suddenly Teresa was starving. She leaned over and started munching, and so did the guys. Before long, her beer was empty and AJ had replaced it with another from the cooler he’d brought onto the deck. Satiated, she sat back with her beer and smiled.

This couldn’t get any better. Well, yeah, it could. Because Pax and AJ were fully clothed and sitting outside the hot tub. And she knew why. She appreciated them looking out for her and taking things slow and easy, but she refused to be afraid to be in a hot tub naked with two guys she knew weren’t going to push her to do anything she wasn’t ready for.

“Why don’t you two get in here with me?”

AJ played with a lock of her hair. She’d put it up in a messy ponytail on top of her head before getting into the tub.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked.

“I’m sure that’s what I want.” She scooted to the far side of the tub and waited, ignoring the racing of her pulse and the too-fast beating of her heart.

Pax looked to AJ. “I think I’ll take this stuff inside. And I need to check in with Grange, let him know we’re here. You go on ahead.”

AJ nodded and turned to face the hot tub after Pax went inside. “You sure about this?”

She wasn’t sure about anything where men were concerned. All she was sure about was that she wanted to be normal again, to have some fun. “Get in the hot tub, AJ.”

His lips quirked, just like she remembered. “Yes, ma’am. You might want to avert your eyes, then, because I’m about to get naked.”

Now it was her turn to lift her lips. “Why would I want to avert my eyes, then?”

His smile died, and what she saw on his face was pure hunger. But she still felt no threat from him. She knew AJ, trusted him, knew she was safe with him, even naked together in the hot tub. He was one of the most patient guys she’d ever known.

He pulled his shirt off, and Teresa sucked in a breath at the wide expanse of shoulders and chest. He’d matured so well in the years since she’d seen him last. Gone was the lean boy she’d known. He was muscled and broad, with a wide chest and flat stomach, a smattering of dark hair on both. He toed off his boots and pulled off his socks, then undid the belt buckle on his jeans and pulled the zipper down, letting them drop to the deck. Teresa’s heart continued to beat faster, but it wasn’t fear driving that beat, it was pure, unadulterated feminine appreciation for the man who stood in front of her clad only in tight boxer briefs that did nothing to hide his beautiful body.

He pushed the boxers off, and she got only a brief glimpse of his magnificent cock before he slid over the side of the hot tub and into the water.

“Goddamn. You didn’t tell me it was going to be this hot. I’ll probably never be able to give a woman children now.”

She laughed. “It’s not that hot, you wuss.”

“It’s hot enough. I’m sweating in here.”

“Good God. I’ll turn it down.” She reached over to the controls and notched it down a few degrees. “Men are such babies.”

“Hey, I can take a bullet. Just not a thousand-degree hot tub.”

She rolled her eyes, and AJ laughed, stretching his legs out, his feet touching hers. He kept his gaze on hers, no doubt assuming one touch of his feet against hers and she was going to bolt and run like hell.

She couldn’t blame him for that, considering how skittish she’d been with him and Pax. Yet he pulled his foot back, draped his sculpted arms over the sides of the hot tub, and leaned his head against it, effectively withdrawing from her. Yes, he was in the tub with her, but he wasn’t with her. Copyright 2016 - 2024