‘How may I counsel you in this?’ Pran replied. ‘If the enemy captures the Book, we will all be annihilated. Yet if you engage the enemy, doubtless the Elven army will be destroyed, and again we will be left altogether defenceless and without hope.’

The Thane seemed angry. But he said, ‘I hear you. I suggest that you tell Birin to make preparations to aid our return. There will be little point in rescuing the Book, only to find the pass at the entrance to the Elf Kingdom held against us. In the meantime, I will harry the enemy in an attempt to draw their attention from their quarry. As well, we will scour the countryside for refugees and wayward soldiers, of whom there are said to be many. In the meantime, we will have to confer at a later time, to decide upon another way to retrieve the Book.’

Pran released his hold on the girls and they found themselves staring only at their own reflection once more. Deborah immediately felt faint and put her hands to her head. Kneeling beside her with concern, Pran said contritely, ‘I am sorry! Have I harmed you? I forgot that you aren’t yet up to such demands.’

‘I’m all right,’ she said, and stifled a yawn.

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