‘Good!’ Pran said. ‘Now, try to make the image on the surface of the basin’s water what would normally appear in the mirror here before you.’

This proved to be very difficult. Deborah was tense with strain and sweating, and twice she very nearly lost both images altogether. But then . . . she had it!

‘There!’ said Pran, ‘Do not move. I will lend you my strength as I attempt to communicate with the Thane.’

Standing behind and between the two girls, he placed a hand on their shoulders. Immediately they felt a thrill of something that was indistinguishable from warmth and confidence.

‘Karras,’ said Pran intently, ‘hear me.’

The Thane started in surprise.

‘Look to the washbowl before you.’ The girls almost flinched as they felt the Thane’s eyes upon them.


‘Karras,’ said Pran, ‘listen to me. The Library is already taken, and has been destroyed. But the Book has been saved, and is making its way west. There is an army hard after it, and they are many times your number. As well, the King’s Loremasters seem to have wrought a great evil upon the land.’

The Thane’s eyes widened. ‘What do you suggest? That I attempt to rescue the Lore and its bearers?’

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