“Dear husband, I am a young girl and I suddenly have a village council that I have been asked to lead,” said Kaori.

“Just a few days ago I lived with my parents and had begun caring for the medical needs of the village. Now I must continue to do that because it is my gift, but we must now pray together and look for guidance on what we must do.”

“Beloved one, Hayshua has no problems that together as a couple and a people we cannot take care of,” Yousho said in his normal calm, but soft voice.

Kaori had begun burning a few roots to provide a scent for the prayers that the two of them then started. She chanted for about five minutes and Yousho just sat before her quietly. They then just sat in the silence for a few minutes breathing deeply and listening for the words of the gods.

After a few minutes Yousho opened his eyes. He noticed that Kaori had already opened hers.

“Wow, I have not often felt the depth of prayer as I just felt. There was a peace and joy that has suddenly lifted me to feelings that I cannot describe,” said Yousho.

“I felt it as well. I heard a voice tell me that when two lovers pray they shall lift one another,” said Kaori.

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