Kaori was therefore open to science as well as the spiritual world. This made her an excellent healer. Her grandmother had taught her well.

Yet, Kaori had also inherited the strong voice of her mother. She enjoyed singing her prayers sometimes with her mother. Kaori’s father had a small string instrument that he often played in the hut. He had traded for this instrument in Mento and had actually mastered its play. It was like a small guitar. Kiki would shake two hollow wooden pipe like instruments that were filled with small pebbles and that would be his contribution to the sounds. Theirs was a noisy, but happy household.

Other than these times with her family, Kaori spent much time alone. She enjoyed the meadows, but also would walk the village alone when she was not attending to her duties as the village medicine woman.

Chapter 5

In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall light thy path

The Leadership of Kaori

Several men of the tribe had built a hut for Yousho and Kaori. Yousho assisted in this task.

“Here is the place that I shall bring forward much of my changed life. My wife and later our children will grow here in this home,” Yousho said proudly.

The next day Kaori and Yousho sat together to begin a session of prayer together.

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