I reach out and take it, feeling my heart hammer against my chest. He shakes my hand softly, still smiling down at me. “That name?”

“I, um, I just work for Mast...I mean, William. I’m sorry, I’m just in a hurry,” I say, avoiding the name question.

“Benjamin,” a voice says from behind me, and my body stiffens. It’s the guard.

“Well, hello Bill. I was just talking to this lovely girl here.”

My guard’s name is Bill? Who knew?

“She’s just one of William’s new employees, I’m so sorry you ran into her.”

Ben shakes his head. “I really don’t mind.”

Bill glares at me while Ben isn’t looking, and my heart twists.

“I was just...the oven wasn’t turned on, I didn’t want William’s dinner not to cook,” I manage to stammer out.

“Very well, go and turn it on, then you can retire for the night.”

I nod, and rush towards the kitchen.

“Maybe I can get your name next time, then?” I hear Ben say.

I look over my shoulder at him, and he gives me a wink before disappearing around the corner with Bill.

Oh. Goodness.

That was something I never expected to happen.

“Who was he?” Number Twelve whispers, sitting on my bed beside me with her hands placed in her lap.

“I don’t know,” I murmur low into her ear. “He was someone Master William knows.”

“Do you think he knows about us?”

I shake my head. “No.”

We all sit in silence a moment before the other girls join me on the bed, and lean in close so the cameras can’t pick up on what we’re saying. I speak again when they’re all settled.

“I think he might help us. If I can talk to him, maybe I can tell him we’re being held here against our will.”

“Do you think he’ll believe you?” Number Seven whispers, her eyes hopeful.

“I don’t know, he might. He seemed really friendly,” I say, my voice hopeful.

“What if he never comes back?” Number Three asks.

“He was familiar with the place. I think he’s been here a few times.”

Number Twelve shifts beside me. “Why didn’t you tell him tonight?”

“It wasn’t the right time. I would have been caught out and punished. I can’t take any more punishment right now, and neither can any of you. If I seek his help, it has to be planned out properly. I have to find out more about him.”

They nod, and before we can say anything else, the door swings open, and Bill steps in.

“On your own beds,” he barks.

The girls scatter quickly, returning to their beds. He glares at us all for the longest moment, before t sent he urning and reaching outside the door. He rolls in our dinner cart and leaves it by the door, before growling, “Stay in your own beds, or I’ll chain you to them. Eat your dinner, shower, and then go to sleep. The master will be having more guests tomorrow evening, and the place is to be cleaned impeccably tomorrow. You’ll need all your strength.”

He’s having guests? My heart flutters.

He gives us one last look before leaving and slamming the door. We all slowly make our way over to the cart. When we reach it, Number Seven leans in. “He’s having guests.”

I nod, giving her a look, but not answering her. I take my tray and walk back to my bed, sitting down and placing it on the bedside table. I lift the lid, and stare down at the chicken pot-pie with a side salad. I pick at it, not able to eat as much as I’d like. I know the guards will get angry, but I just can’t force it down my throat without making myself sick. I subtly place the lid over the tray, turning my back towards the camera as I slip the glass of milk in, too.

I finish up the mouthful, and make out like I’m eating the rest, before getting up carrying the tray back to the cart, not daring to look at the camera and give myself away. I can only pray that they haven’t noticed. I’m sure they will have the groups clean the dishes tomorrow, so if they don’t look, then they won’t see that I’ve not finished. I move to the bathroom while the other girls eat, and I have a quick shower, enjoying the warm water that seems to soothe my body. I finish up, and then walk back to the bed, noticing that I’m nowhere near as exhausted tonight as I usually am after dinner.

I tuck myself under the sheets, and watch the other girls. Like every other night, they eat their food, drink their milk, and then shower quickly before quite literally passing out. I narrow my eyes, wondering why tonight I’m not feeling that pull into sleep. I close my eyes anyway, wondering if I’ve just got too much on my mind. I try to even out my breathing, but it doesn’t seem to lull me into sleep. I don’t open my eyes, because I know if I’m seen moving around I’ll only bring more trouble.

Finally, after a few hours, I drift off into a light sleep.

“If you move, I’ll hurt you,” a voice breathes into my ear.

He’s so heavy. I can’t breathe when he’s like this. I’m only small.

“If you stay still, it won’t take long. You should know this by now.”

I wake up panting, and sweat trickles down my forehead. I...dreamed. I haven’t had a dream since I can remember, and tonight one decided to surface. Bile rises in my stomach as something tugs at my heart. That dream...it seemed familiar, only I don’t really know how. I steady my breathing, and press a hand to my heart. I close my eyes and try to put together some fuzzy pictures in my head, but nothing is happening, and it only makes me frustrated. Why can’t I remember?

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