We’ve been here ten days now. Nothing has changed.

We get up, we do our chores, we go to see the Master, and then we go to sleep, only to start it all over again. To say I’m confused would be putting it mildly. I don’t know why we’re here, or what purpose he has for us. He’s clearly not intent on hurting us, at least, not if we’re behaving, and he’s certainly not going to rape or torture us. So why does he have us? What could he possibly need all these girls for?

A finger trails over my thigh, and I shiver. It’s not a bad shiver, but a curious shiver. I’m with Master William again tonight, and as always, he’s got me on his lap. He rarely speaks, and if he does, it’s usually in a different language. He murmurs words I don’t understand into my ear while he holds me. The first few times he did this it scared me. Now I seem to find a strange comfort in the words I don’t understand.

I still fear him though, because there’s something about this situation that warrants a good amount of fear. It’s really the only emotion we understand right now, and so we hang onto it, like it’s the only thing we have control over. He’s unpredictable, and none of us are sure that this isn’t just an act to gain our trust before something worse comes along.

I don’t remember anything. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, there’s nothing but a fuzzy mess. My memories have been stolen from me, and it’s not likely they’re going to be handed back anytime soon. The fact that they have been so cleverly taken tells me that they’re worth protecting. He doesn’t want me to have them for a reason, and it doesn’t matter how many times I ask him, he refuses to give them back.

He’s keeping a piece of me from myself, and that’s not somethi ss nI dng I’m okay with.

“You’re behaving well tonight,” he murmurs, shocking me out of my thoughts with his smooth, deep voice. “I’m rewarding your group with a notepad and a pen each. You can write on it, or draw, whatever you like.”

I feel my lip tremble, but I don’t know what to say. So, I say the only thing I can.

“Thank you.”


Master is having a dinner guest tonight, so we’ve been put on kitchen duties to make sure it’s all prepared and ready to go. It’s day eleven, and each day I count and mark in the tiny notepad I keep by my bed. We’ve been working in the kitchen all day, and it’s getting hot in here. None of us speak a lot to each other. We’re still so tangled up in our own desperate thoughts.

“Master has requested that you finish up in here, and get back to your room,” the guard says, entering the room just as I’m finishing up.

I nod obediently and finish flavoring the roast, and then I push it into the oven. I slide a tray with vegetables and potatoes in the other oven, the one that I’ve set at a lower temperature so they cook slower, then I turn to the guard. “The meal will be ready within two hours.”

“We can take it from here.”

He shoves Number Seven and I out of the kitchen, and leads us to our rooms. The others girls were sent off two hours ago to tidy up for the arrival of Master William’s guest.

The minute we step into our room, the guard turns and barks a few orders at the others guards walking past. He walks off down the hall for a second, to speak to the guard right at the end, and it’s at that moment I forgot that I didn’t turn the oven on for the roast; I was too busy seasoning it. They’ll be waiting all night if I don’t do so. Not wanting to be punished again, I run out of the room and head towards the kitchen.

The guard doesn’t notice; he’s too busy laughing with the other guys.

I’m nearly to the kitchen, when I round a corner and slam into a tall, muscled form. His hands instantly come up and curl around my arms, steadying me.

“Whoa there, I’m sorry—I didn’t see you,” he says, letting me go quickly.

I straighten up, letting my eyes dart up to the man in front of me. He’s a tall, extremely beautiful man. He smiles down at me, causing the skin around his sky-blue eyes to crinkle. I can’t help but flush. He’s the kind of man that gives you a funny feeling in your belly. He’s tall and well built, wearing a gray suit and a blue tie. He’s got unruly hair that sits messily on his head. His face is heavenly, his olive skin and sky-blue eyes giving him a breathtaking look.

“Hello there,” he almost purrs. “I haven’t seen you around here before. Do you work for Will?”

He’s talking about the master, and he’s also clearly not aware of who I am. I could tell him—the urge to do so is massive—but if he didn’t believe me, I could be punished again, and ruin all chances of escape. Panic rises in my chest, and I find myself fighting against being sensible. I want to tell him who I am; I want someone to give us a chance to be freed from this. But I don’t know who this man is, and it’s too big a risk to take. I open my mouth and stammer, “I’m just...I ah...”

“Do you have a name, sweetheart?”

Do I have a name? My mind is becoming confused, and that familiar swell of frustration consumes me. I let my eyes travel past him to see if the guards are around, but they haven’t come for me yet.

“I, well, I...”

He smiles warmly, and chuckles softly. “I have this affect on most women, but rest-assured, I won’t bite. I’m Ben,” he murmurs, extending his hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024