'I do not quite understand what you mean by a mind getting stiff

and rigid. Nor do I admire those whirligig characters that are

full of this thing to-day, to be utterly forgetful of it in their

new interest to-morrow. Having many interests does not suit the

life of a Milton manufacturer. It is, or ought to be, enough for

him to have one great desire, and to bring all the purposes of

his life to bear on the fulfilment of that.' 'And that is--?' asked Mr. Hale.

Her sallow cheek flushed, and her eye lightened, as she answered: 'To hold and maintain a high, honourable place among the

merchants of his country--the men of his town. Such a place my

son has earned for himself. Go where you will--I don't say in

England only, but in Europe--the name of John Thornton of Milton

is known and respected amongst all men of business. Of course, it

is unknown in the fashionable circles,' she continued,


'Idle gentlemen and ladies are not likely to know much of a

Milton manufacturer, unless he gets into parliament, or marries a

lord's daughter.' Both Mr. Hale and Margaret had an uneasy,

ludicrous consciousness that they had never heard of this great

name, until Mr. Bell had written them word that Mr. Thornton

would be a good friend to have in Milton. The proud mother's

world was not their world of Harley Street gentilities on the one

hand, or country clergymen and Hampshire squires on the other.

Margaret's face, in spite of all her endeavours to keep it simply

listening in its expression told the sensitive Mrs. Thornton this

feeling of hers.

'You think you never heard of this wonderful son of mine, Miss

Hale. You think I'm an old woman whose ideas are bounded by

Milton, and whose own crow is the whitest ever seen.' 'No,' said Margaret, with some spirit. 'It may be true, that I

was thinking I had hardly heard Mr. Thornton's name before I came

to Milton. But since I have come here, I have heard enough to

make me respect and admire him, and to feel how much justice and

truth there is in what you have said of him.' 'Who spoke to you of him?' asked Mrs. Thornton, a little

mollified, yet jealous lest any one else's words should not have

done him full justice. Margaret hesitated before she replied. She

did not like this authoritative questioning. Mr. Hale came in, as

he thought, to the rescue.

'It was what Mr. Thornton said himself, that made us know the

kind of man he was. Was it not, Margaret?' Mrs. Thornton drew herself up, and said-'My son is not the one to tell of his own doings. May I again ask

you, Miss Hale, from whose account you formed your favourable

opinion of him? A mother is curious and greedy of commendation of

her children, you know.' Margaret replied, 'It was as much from what Mr. Thornton withheld

of that which we had been told of his previous life by Mr.

Bell,--it was more that than what he said, that made us all feel

what reason you have to be proud of him.' 'Mr. Bell! What can he know of John? He, living a lazy life in a

drowsy college. But I'm obliged to you, Miss Hale. Many a missy

young lady would have shrunk from giving an old woman the

pleasure of hearing that her son was well spoken of.' 'Why?' asked Margaret, looking straight at Mrs. Thornton, in


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