They had leisure to observe, and to speak to each other in low

voices, before Mrs. Thornton appeared. They were talking of what

all the world might hear; but it is a common effect of such a

room as this to make people speak low, as if unwilling to awaken

the unused echoes.

At last Mrs. Thornton came in, rustling in handsome black silk,

as was her wont; her muslins and laces rivalling, not excelling,

the pure whiteness of the muslins and netting of the room.

Margaret explained how it was that her mother could not accompany

them to return Mrs. Thornton's call; but in her anxiety not to

bring back her father's fears too vividly, she gave but a

bungling account, and left the impression on Mrs. Thornton's mind

that Mrs. Hale's was some temporary or fanciful fine-ladyish

indisposition, which might have been put aside had there been a

strong enough motive; or that if it was too severe to allow her

to come out that day, the call might have been deferred.

Remembering, too, the horses to her carriage, hired for her own

visit to the Hales, and how Fanny had been ordered to go by Mr.

Thornton, in order to pay every respect to them, Mrs. Thornton

drew up slightly offended, and gave Margaret no sympathy--indeed,

hardly any credit for the statement of her mother's


'How is Mr. Thornton?' asked Mr. Hale. 'I was afraid he was not

well, from his hurried note yesterday.' 'My son is rarely ill; and when he is, he never speaks about it,

or makes it an excuse for not doing anything. He told me he could

not get leisure to read with you last night, sir. He regretted

it, I am sure; he values the hours spent with you.' 'I am sure they are equally agreeable to me,' said Mr. Hale. 'It

makes me feel young again to see his enjoyment and appreciation

of all that is fine in classical literature.' 'I have no doubt the classics are very desirable for people who

have leisure. But, I confess, it was against my judgment that my

son renewed his study of them. The time and place in which he

lives, seem to me to require all his energy and attention.

Classics may do very well for men who loiter away their lives in

the country or in colleges; but Milton men ought to have their

thoughts and powers absorbed in the work of to-day. At least,

that is my opinion.' This last clause she gave out with 'the

pride that apes humility.' 'But, surely, if the mind is too long directed to one object

only, it will get stiff and rigid, and unable to take in many

interests,' said Margaret. Copyright 2016 - 2024