
Tom had just finished his breakfast and was settling down to his desk to begin some of the work that had managed to stack up in his absence. Whistling away, he had no sooner picked up his pen when his daughter burst into the room. Completely out of breath, she exclaimed, "Father! This has come from the messenger. Oh I hope it's something exciting!" She stuck the message in his face. "Come now, relax my dear. There isn't much in this world worth getting that winded over." He smiled, teasingly. Tom looked it over. It was addressed to him from his aunt and cousin Alice from Hampshire. His eyes widened a bit as he read: My dearest Thomas, I have just come upon the most marvelous of ideas! After your departure from Hampshire, we received a visit from Ms. Jane Austen. It appeared as though she were looking to find you, and with your departure, we unfortunately had to turn her away. But not without a brief conversation first, of course. After speaking with Ms. Austen, I must say that I have come to believe the woman may still hold some sort of affection toward you.

Now getting to my idea. I am proposing that you might perhaps hold a ball at your home in London. Alice and I think it would be the most wonderful fun! And of course, you could invite Ms. Austen, if you so wish.

With Love, Aunt Why that meddling woman! What has she been up to since his departure from Hampshire? Tom shuddered to find out. "What is it, daddy?" his daughter pushed.

"Why it seems that aunt and cousin Alice believe that we would should hold a ball. What do you have to say on the matter, Jane dear?" Jane was jumping up and down so, he thought she might injure herself. "A ball? Really? Oh daddy, can we please? What fun it would be to hold a ball!" "I will think it over, love. Now run along and let Daddy finish his work." He said smiling. Jane knew that look instantly. They were going to have a ball! Oh how wonderful! She must have a dress made right away!

After his daughter had left the room, Tom called to the housemaid. "Louise, dear! Can you come into my study for a moment?" The housemaid came immediately after being summoned. "Yes, Mr. Lefroy?" "Louise, we must prepare some invitations at once. We are to hold a ball."

Mr. Thomas Lefroy kindly requests the honour of your presence at a ball, to be held on the 20th day of August, 1816 At six o'clock in the evening Westminster, London

Please respond at your earliest convenience With the ball set to be held in one month, Tom and his daughter had begun the grueling preparations, and were working at a steady pace. It was times such as these that made him miss having a woman around the house most. For what did a man and a little girl know of holding such an event? He shook his head at the thought of what he had gotten himself into. Perhaps I should send for my aunt and cousin, he thought. Yes. They would be of great service and companionship for his daughter, Jane. With word spreading fast, Tom had already heard that this was to be the finest ball in all of London that year. He had sent most of the invites, most that is, but one. He still had to invite Ms. Austen. Copyright 2016 - 2024