Jane awoke the following morning to find Henry walking about outdoors, whistling a tune. Dressing quickly, she descended the stairs and made her way out the door to join him. "Why good morning, sister." He was pleased to find her up so early. "Would you like to join me for a walk?" Jane, taking great joy in any time spent with her brother, quickly agreed. "A walk sounds wonderful! And what a wonderful day for it. "

As they walked, Henry would remark on how truly beautiful these woods were, and how lucky Jane had been to keep their family's estate and be surrounded by such beauty everyday. "Though some may not think so, you have been very fortunate, my dear sister. You are the only woman I know that can be so strong headed and still manage to have the most wonderful life. I am truly in awe of all that you have become." Jane gave a laugh. "Why brother, while I haven't had much misfortune, you have become the most fortunate one of us all. You have a lovely wife, and an estate so big it would fit all of Hampshire." He declined to agree. "You think I have much fortune? Not so. Yes I have a wonderful wife and much acreage, but I find it utterly impossible to possess the ability to write of my surroundings and dreams such as you. For that is the greatest fortune of them all, you must know." She kindly thanked him for his words.

"And you know," he continued. "You have come upon another fortune that most never get. For you have been given a second chance." "To what are you referring brother?" Jane said slyly, knowing exactly what he was about to say. He threw up his arms.

"Why Jane! Most of us aren't so lucky as to find affections in someone immediately. And now, you have been given the chance to regain those such affections from someone I know you feel them for as well." He began walking more swiftly as he said this.

"And how do you know of my affections?" she demanded. "I dare say it's written on your face, sister.

It has been for twenty plus years." He smiled, for he knew she would not have the words to dispute him. Stopping abruptly, Jane sat under a nearby tree, half smiling. "Although I would like to disagree brother," she started. "I do not think that I can. I find it awfully hard to let these words leave my mouth, but there may be some truth in what you say. " "Of course there is! Jane, don't you see? You and Mr. Lefroy were meant to take this long, agonizing journey. While I do not pretend to know the reason, what I do know is that your moment has finally come. You must seize it. " He hugged her almost in tears. How he had wanted his sister to find happiness.

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