"This sucks…" Avery said as he brushed his hand through his thick bushy black hair. He was more than a little disappointed at the sudden turn of events.

"Life's a bitch and she just had puppies; my mom likes to say…" Jayden added as the two friends looked at each other exchanging smirks. Avery stood and rang the bell letting the bus driver know that they needed to get off. The two teens exited the bus just three blocks from where they had caught it.

"Hell I can't believe this…" Jayden said as they began trekking back home to pick up the carts with wheels that they needed to load the bulky and heavy cases of supplies for this evening and tomorrow morning's commute.

"Man I can't believe the two of us are turning into a couple of granny hens…" Avery comment making light of their situations. Both boys chuckled at his characterization of them. Avery looked down and saw a soda-pop can. He began kicking it as they walked.

"It's all good…" Jayden encouraged still smiling at his friend's recent description of them. He too joined in kicking the can. Leisurely walking back home they passed the local park that housed a fenced in lot with several basketball courts and hoops. It was littered with teenage boys around their age hooping on the courts. Some were playing one-on-one basketball and still there were those who played with teams while laughing and talking together. The two boys momentarily paused and watched the boys at play. Most of the teens wore white tees, while some teens had their tees over their heads acting as a shield from the rising sun. Still there were others who had abandoned their shirts altogether and had them either stuffed in the back of their jean pockets or draped around their shoulders like a towel.

The boys raced up and down the courts attempting to gain the vantage over their opponents. Some waved their arms and hands in the air attempting to distract, hoping to cause their opponents to waver. Still there were others who planted their feet firmly on the ground attempting to block the opponents who either rushed straight into or veered around them. Jayden and Avery stood watching with interest as one teen's opponent refused to give him access for a closer shot. The teen did a bounce-spin with the ball, sped around his opponent and alley-ooped the ball from mid-court.

"Daaaang… That was pretty." Avery said admiringly.

"Cold-as-hell." Jayden said appreciating the teen's control of the ball that allowed him to make the long shot sinking the ball into the hoop from such a faraway place.

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