Reaching the car they stood outside silently viewing the night sky.

"So you're going?" Avery asked already knowing the answer. Jayden didn't respond. He simply turned around getting into his car and driving off.

* * * * * * * *

"Where's Jayden?" Mia couldn't help but asking after Avery arrived home carrying a sleeping A.J. and without Jayden.

"He got a call… I think he's going to take care of some business." Avery told her without going into details. He didn't want to discuss his friend's personal business with Mia. He knew that she was cool, but still she wasn't his girlfriend and it wasn't his place to tell her what was going on with Jayden.

Mia didn't like the sound of that. He's already back to his old ways she thought and quickly put her shoes on and got ready to leave.

"Nita, I'll see you tomorrow… Make sure you stop by the shop."

"K girl… Drive safely."

* * * * * * * *

Jayden arrived at the nursing home and was immediately stopped.

"We're sorry visiting hours are over" he was promptly informed as he entered the building by the night security guard.

"Someone called me about Mr. Ellis" he explained.

"Just a minute." The security guard picked up a telephone and made a quick call.

"Go right in" he told Jayden as a loud buzzer sounded and he knew that the door was being unlocked for his entry. He made his way up to the desk.

"Sorry to disturb you this time of night… Thanks for coming. Mr. Ellis hasn't been the same since your visit with him last week."

"No?" Jayden was surprised to hear the news.

"It's unusual. Usually we're able to tell him tomorrow and he would be comforted with that. However since you visited him it seems like he is now able to differentiate between yesterday, today and tomorrow."

"What? You mean he's improving?" Jayden was now shock.

"The patients who show the most improvement are the ones who have a family member or a family friend that takes an interest in their care. I'm not saying that a miracle has happened, but they do tend to begin registering some orientation of time and place."

Jayden was speechless. Was there a chance that if he continued to visiting Mr. Ellis that possibly one day the man could come to recognize and know who he was? Could there really come a day that the old man who had abandoned him come to know and understand that the one who he had abandoned twenty-seven years ago was the only one he had left in his life that he could depend on? Jayden wanted to see that day. Jayden wanted to see his face and eyes if one day he could become competent and sane enough to know that he was Jayden Eric Townsend the biological son that he had cast off and not the adopted son who he had embraced into his heart. Copyright 2016 - 2024