"Date? Oh you mean the dinner and a movie thing? You think I should? Will it get me in?" Jayden asked seriously and Avery couldn't help but staring at him.

"Man how do you do the shit that you do and still manage to keep walking, talking and breathing every day? It's a wonder some anonymous woman hasn't come along and took a shot at you."

"Hey, it happened before…"

"Not surprising… Man I told you before and I'm telling you again…"

"What's that?"

"Help… psychiatric help… You need to get over some shit… Find you a good psychiatrist and talk some shit out. Then you'll be alright."

"Daddy, my card is empty…" A.J. ran up to his father holding up his game card that had run out of credits.

"Already? It's time for us to go."

"No daddy no… I want to play more…" A.J. protested.

"Sorry dude, you reached your five dollars limit already… Next time okay?" A.J. pouted from not getting his way and Jayden couldn't help but smiling at the two. They were the perfect father and son. Abruptly his cell phone began buzzing.


"Yea this is Jayden Townsend… Who the nursing home… Jacob Ellis…" He was surprised to learn that the nursing home was calling him and at this time of night. It was past nine thirty.

"No, I'm not a relative… What… Me? He's asking to see me? But… But… I'm not his son Markus… Look I'm sorry but I can't help… No I'm not the one that you're looking for…" Jayden hung up his phone feeling slightly irritated.

"What was that about?"

Jayden exhaled heavily. "Nursing home… Mr. Ellis is refusing to take his meds again until they call his son Markus and have him come down."

"So why did they call you?"

"They don't have a contact number or address for Mr. Ellis' children. Since I visited and Mr. Ellis thought I was him, they thought I wouldn't mind coming down to help."


"What do you mean and?" Jayden asked becoming angry at his friend's implication. "I don't know him and he's not my responsibility." Jayden protested.

"True that." Avery agreed as they began walking for the exit to leave the game room.

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