"This is so sad… this poor man in his condition wandering around the streets alone, cold and hungry… This is just too, too sad…" Mia said expressing compassion and sympathy for the man.

"Are you done writing your sappy book?" Jayden asked while glaring at her.

"Why are you being like that?" She confronted. "He's your father for goodness sake…"

"In order for a man to qualify for father status, he would have to meet the minimum requirement of give-a-fuck."

Abruptly Avery and Nita began frantically shaking their heads attempting to get Mia's attention to tell her to leave it alone. They were all but begging and pleading with her not to go there. This was a sensitive issue with Jayden. However their actions went unnoticed or ignored because Mia was forging full-force straight ahead into that train wreck.

"No one's perfect and we all have things in our past that we regret or wish that we could go back and change. No matter what he's still your father and you have to honor that."

"Move!" Jayden barked with fierceness that be-stilled Mia's heart. His eyes narrowed and she could see his body slightly trembling in anger. She gulped at the swallows of saliva that suddenly filled her mouth. He looked like he was about to choke the living daylights out of her. Nervously she backed up away from him. She wasn't sure what he was about to do; and she didn't plan on sticking around to find out. She was about to leave when abruptly he began yelling.

"Don't come in here passing judgment on a situation that you don't know squat about. The man is lucky that I didn't take and bury him in the back of the woods somewhere. Get the hell away from me." He cursed at her and Mia felt her heart pounding inside her chest. How could he be so cold, cruel and heartless to his father? Suddenly her own emotions got involved and she became angry at his lack of sensitivity and compassion.

"Does it make you feel any better?" She threw the words at him. "Does it make you feel any better about yourself to treat him like a piece of shit like he treated you? Does it give you satisfaction; making you feel like a big man? Does it make you feel whole?" She all but yelled at him. At her words, Jayden whirled around reaching and lurching for her. Oh shit she had finally done it she thought as she closed her eyes in anticipation. She was too startled to react. Reopening her eyes after not having received her punishment she looked him square in the eyes. Her eyes were filled with fear and tears; but she only noticed that his eyes were filled with pain.

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