"And make sure you clean my tub out after you're done. I'm off to work and when I come back, I don't want to see him in my house… I just barely got rid of you…" She teased and Jayden couldn't help but smiling at his mother's words.

"Thank you mother…" He said to her. Then he heard the front door closing and he knew that he was alone with his father.

"C'mon let's get dried off." He told him as he helped him out of the tub and took one of his mom's fresh towels and wiped the dripping water from his father's back. Abruptly he stopped. His hands slightly shook and he couldn't stop his finger from reaching out and touching his father on the side of his thigh. He had always wondered where had he gotten his butterfly shaped birthmark, and now he had finally gotten his answer.

"I guess what your family said at Grandmother Ginny's funeral was right; just like you. I take after just like you."

* * * * * * * * *

"It's incredible…"

"Seriously I can't believe it."

"It's frightening…"

"Like twins… Honest to goodness."

"So that's what Jayden is going to look like in about thirty years huh…" Avery, Nita and Mia whispered softly in the background as they had all come over to Jayden's shop to see firsthand what his father looked like.

"So what do you think happened to his family?"

"Hard to say… The man was big time; big house, expensive cars, politician, Ivy League schooling for his kids…"

"And look at him now."

"They say when you fall; you fall hard…"

"Yea but damn look at him now… dementia."

"Thank you and please come again." Jayden smiled as he thanked his customer who was now leaving. He then turned on his friends and abruptly they turned around as if they were deep in discussion.

"Don't you guys have something better to do?"

"Lunch break…" Mia shouted.

"Shopping…" Nita chimed in.

"Day off…" Avery said as he made his way over to the counter with Jayden. Mr. Ellis was sitting slightly off to the side behind the counter staring at the TV.

"So what are you going to do with him?" Nita asked.

"Soon as I closed the shop I'm going to take him down to the police station. I'm sure someone has filed a missing person report by now."

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