"Mom there weren't that many times when that would happen." He said.

"I didn't say it happened often."

"What happened?"

"I found out something about dating and trying to find the right person to share my life with." She began.

"What's that?"

"I came to the conclusion that the most important thing when looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with, wasn't whether or not our jobs, education, finances and background matched. Although those things are important and do say something about the person."

"Really there's something more?" She had his attention.

"Yes, there's something even more important than all of those things… and it's not his looks, heights or how long he can keep it up or how many times he can make me ..."

"Mom! Mom! Please not a repeat of my sixteenth birthday." Jayden abruptly stood with his eyes growing as big as saucers as he covered up his ears trying to block out his mother's next words. Seriously he didn't need to know his mother did such things. If she kept talking like that, pretty soon she was going to mess up his own flow with nightmares of some dude doing to her the kinds of things that he did with other women. That just wasn't cool.

"Alright… Alright chicken shit…" She mocked her son. Jayden sat back down.

"But you do know that a woman is more than just a hole for your release, right?"

"Yea… yea… I know mom… I know… Let's get back to what you found out." Jayden quickly added trying to turn the conversation around and away from his mother being a woman capable of having sex.

"I came to the conclusion that the most important thing when choosing a potential mate for your life is; picking someone that has the same vision as you do."

"What?" Jayden was a little surprised at his mother's words.

"What I mean is, at the time when I had you I was young; around twenty one and I just thought it was good enough to have a boyfriend and I just assumed we would just kind of figure out things as we went along. We never had those discussions about aspirations, dreams, education or the stuff that really matters. I just kind of assumed that if a guy was with me than he wanted the same things that I wanted."

"Oh… I never thought about that."

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