After that things cooled down quickly between them. They had violent arguments which most of them Jack wasn't aware what even caused them. Right before Halloween Melissa filed legal separation papers on Jack. She was demanding both businesses, their house and was going to throw him under the bus. Father Haddington suggested that they seek marriage counselling and to think how the babies are feeling every time they had these arguments in front of them.

The marriage counsellor suggested for them to take turns taking the children and legally even though they were married at the time that Jack's parents gave him the business no judge would take that away from him. the other pub in Roscarbery was an entirelly different thing. So Melissa took the cooling time out on Thanksgiving Day 1974 Jack moved into an apartment above the pub.

There was a really bad fight with both side throwing insults and accusing each each side of horrible things. Melissa finally just yelled I went to Roscarbery and saw you with another woman. jack yelled she was crazy. Melissa told him the date and they were alone at a table. She describe the lady and it didn't even register in his mind. She told him I just turned and left. I knew you was so consumed with her you didn't see me so after that I started doing weird things to get back at you. I'll find out who she is then I'm going to throw you and your lover under the bus.

Melissa was spending more time in Roscarbery and met a man by the name of Rudolph Harrison. He moved in with her and the two children which broke Jack's heart. She really wasn't interested that much in Rudolph but it was a good way to stab Jack in the back every time she could. Christmas was extremely hard for Jack when she refused him to have the children over night.. Then came News Year Eve when again she refused to let Jack have the children for the night. Even though she threw such a party that the police had to respond to the house Neither of the adults was in any shape to deal with a crisis with either child. They called Jack and he rushed over and picked up the children.

jack was trying to be the best father he could and still maintain his professional life. also. The committee got together to arrange their Saint Patrick's Day celebrations. everything jack suggested Melissa voted against. She would suggest something Jack would listen. If they had done it before and didn't have a good outcome with it Jack brought it up. She got mad because the committee would look it up and realize Jack was telling the truth. Finally Melissa threw up her hands and told him in front of every one that was there alright Jack you won what else are you going to do take the kids away from me.? Copyright 2016 - 2025