The oldest son was named Lugh Andrew O'Connor then three years later their second son named Ronan Samuel O'Connor came along. Then a few years after that their last child was born and given the name of Tomas Matthew was born. Those boys was half Irish and half Cherokee as far as anyone knew. James still had no idea who his biological parents were.

The entire family stayed working on the church's farm. The entire family continued to attend almost every church service there was, All of a sudden Viola was expecting their fourth child. This time she gave birth to a little girl who James nickname their little Indian Princess which did not sit well with Viola because Indian girls aren't really Princess. He would laugh and say I know but she's my princess just like you're my Chief. You say and I do.

She just laughed but in reality Indian tribes of importance was with the women using their names. Their daughter was named Winona (meaning first daughter) Kinek (meaning rosebud). If they lived on a reservation all of the children's last name would of been Sagebrush instead of O'Connor. Viola smiled when she said in her head Winona Kinek Sagebrush. it sounded and was indeed a very pretty name. Walshbury's boys escaped the draft in WW11. There was none old enough to fight.

In 1937 Viola seemed really tired and couldn't keep awake. James thought she might have picked up one of the flu bugs that was going around at the time. he noticed she had picked up some weight also. He thought she was bloated and retaining fluid which wasn't good for anyone .Right as harvest season started her ankles was swollen and she was walking almost like a duck. On October 10th she started having a lot of pain. He went to fetch old Dr. Robertson. By the time they got back she had a surprise for both of them. She was holding their fifth child, a little baby boy. They named him Jackson Herbert O"Connor

1950's came and the two oldest O'Connor boys was drafted by the government Lug Andrew was drafted by the army and Ronan Samuel was drafted into the Marines. They spent their boot camp time at Camp Pendleton and Fort Hood. One of them went overseas to fight. Lugh was assigned to a long range reconnaissance patrol was disabled by a grenade launcher attack on his patrol. He lost his right foot.

Ronan was assigned to the Marines Military Police unit. at Camp Pendleton and never fought overseas. meanwhile their youngest son Tomas not allowed to be drafted or enlist due to a law that was past that the youngest son or sons if they were farmers wouldn't be taken away from his mother if older brothers were serving. He met a nice Irish young lady name Lydia Susanne Mulligan who said yes to his marriage proposal. They were wed at the town's catholic church. Tomas had Lydia had a son named Conan Alexandra O'Connor. When he was four they had another son named Daniel Hamilton O'Connor. Copyright 2016 - 2025