He did not leave the stile, and I hardly liked to ask to go by. I

inquired soon if he had not been to London.

"Yes; I suppose you found that out by second-sight."

"Mrs. Fairfax told me in a letter."

"And did she inform you what I went to do?"

"Oh, yes, sir! Everybody knew your errand."

"You must see the carriage, Jane, and tell me if you don't think it

will suit Mrs. Rochester exactly; and whether she won't look like

Queen Boadicea, leaning back against those purple cushions. I wish,

Jane, I were a trifle better adapted to match with her externally.

Tell me now, fairy as you are--can't you give me a charm, or a

philter, or something of that sort, to make me a handsome man?"

"It would be past the power of magic, sir;" and, in thought, I

added, "A loving eye is all the charm needed: to such you are

handsome enough; or rather your sternness has a power beyond


Mr. Rochester had sometimes read my unspoken thoughts with an acumen

to me incomprehensible: in the present instance he took no notice

of my abrupt vocal response; but he smiled at me with a certain

smile he had of his own, and which he used but on rare occasions.

He seemed to think it too good for common purposes: it was the real

sunshine of feeling--he shed it over me now.

"Pass, Janet," said he, making room for me to cross the stile: "go

up home, and stay your weary little wandering feet at a friend's


All I had now to do was to obey him in silence: no need for me to

colloquise further. I got over the stile without a word, and meant

to leave him calmly. An impulse held me fast--a force turned me

round. I said--or something in me said for me, and in spite of me "Thank you, Mr. Rochester, for your great kindness. I am strangely

glad to get back again to you: and wherever you are is my home--my

only home."

I walked on so fast that even he could hardly have overtaken me had

he tried. Little Adele was half wild with delight when she saw me.

Mrs. Fairfax received me with her usual plain friendliness. Leah

smiled, and even Sophie bid me "bon soir" with glee. This was very

pleasant; there is no happiness like that of being loved by your

fellow-creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to

their comfort.

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