​ He bought a couple of brackets and fixed a piece of wood that would fit into the brackets to secure the back door. No one would be able to get in that door. That did make Brandy feel safer. Bridget also got a security company to come out and install a security system at the shop. It also had a silent alarm to the police department. One night Bridget worked so Brandy could go out on a date to the drive in movie with her new boyfriend and thought everyone had left the store before closing and saw a set of feet behind a rack of costumes. She grabbed her handgun that the deacon at her church had given her plus He gave her shooting lessons.She released the safety on the gun.

When she pulled the costumes and pointed the gun and found nothing but shoes that Brandy had lined up to go along the costumes..Bridget was relieved and went to count the money. She decided to put the money in the floor safe for the night. She walked to the house and thought she heard foot steps behind her. She turned and yelled Is somebody here. If you are I have a gun and know how to use it and I will. The safety is off and I'm a good shot. She decided that she needed to get a watch dog.

​ The next day she contacted the deacon and he suggested either a german shephard or a doberman pincher. She checked out the dog breeds and decided to get a black and tan doberman. She named him Joe. She got ahold of a fencing company and they came the next day and installed a chain link fenced around the back and sides of the propertyJoe would have a nice yard to run in. She put a doghouse out on the patio for him. He could run around the back and sides of both the house and shop. Brandy felt a lot safer. Both of the girls and Joe fell in love with each other. When Bridget was out of town on business Brandy would bring Joe inside to feel safer

​ One night when they both were home when Bridget her a noise outside of the shop She didn't hear Joe so she just shook it off. She made hot tea for both of them Joe was outside and sniffed something that made him started barking. She saw a cat that was jumping the back fence. Both of them laughed and went to bed The next day Bridget saw that the security lights had been broken and reported it to the security company. They came out and replaced the light bulbs. That night Bridget and Brandy had another scare. When Bridget went into her bedroom she noticed a shadow against the wall of the shop. She noticed the lights was out again. She picked up the landline and couldn't get a dial tone. She checked all of the windows and doors to make sure they were locked. She heard the shop's alarm then nothing . She knew it wouldn't have stopped unless someone made it quit ringing.

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