Brandy ended her sophmore year living in foster care and the beginning of her junior year living with her sister Bridget in their grandmother's cottage and working after school at the party shop. Bridget could afford to pay Brandy since she upgraded her business to also include being a party planner. For being in her early twenties Bridget was extremely professional and more mature than most young women her age

​ Her first assignment as a part planner was her own sister's sixteenth birthday party. Shad help from Patti which was still working at the grocery store in the bakery. Patti helped her bake the cake and decorate it. she had several little party appetzers and served cold pop and punch made from juice and soda. The party was a hit..That was their practice run. Their foster mother had taken a leave of absence from her teaching at a school.

​ She was a home economics teacher She made their menus up and even cooked the meaals while Brandy baked the deserts including cakes, cupcakes, pies. Their first official paying job was a wedding in the park. The couple had invited about one hundred guest. It rained that morning and the event was moved inside in the observation room. It was a little crowed but it went wel

​ A couple of months after Bridget started being a party planner.she started getting calls. First it was just the wrong number calls, then the hang up without saying anything, then the loud breathing calls. Brandy was scared that she didn't want to even answer the shop's phone much less their home phone.

​ Bridget had the shop's phone going to her cell phone to keep the shop's business going. Patti was coming in more too. Allison also started showing up un announced. The three older women was not just trying to keep Brandy from worrying but to make sure she was safe. Whoever was making the calls wasn't staying on the phone long enough to be tracked.

​ Bridget recieved a note saying she shouldn't have turned in the cash from the robbery a few years ago and someone was going to pay for it She wondered if the note and calls was connected. She wasn't going to let anything slip by her if possible. This young man that knew Brandy from school stopped by one evening to ask her out on a date. After he left she sensed that someone else was in the shop also. She called Bridget to come to the shop.

Bridget found the outside back door was unlocked and left open. Both of them dismissed it thinking when Bridget brought back the un used decorations she must not have closed the door Bridget made sure the door was locked She asked the gardner and handyman if he could put some other kind of lock on the back door so no one could get in from the outside. Copyright 2016 - 2025