The two officers arrive and the introductions start. I learn their names are Blayke and Johnson. Both are middle-aged, handsome enough men. They’re friendly and eager to share, so we all sit down.

“As you know, Mr. Shields, the people we’ve been chasing have been said to have a direct link to a massive drug cartel,” Blayke says.

Jax nods.

“Well, it turns out that, more to the point, the people we’re after think they’re a direct link. When actually, it seems that one of the members of the gang is the younger brother of a member of the drug cartel, but wasn’t accepted into the life and is taking matters into his own hands, and trying to be something he certainly is not.”

“So what you’re saying is that we’re dealing with a bunch of punks who think they’re powerful?” Jax mutters.

“No, sir,” Johnson pipes up. “We’re dealing with boys raised in that life, but that have absolutely nothing to do with the goings-on of the cartel. It could be that they’re too young, too immature, or simply that they just weren’t blooded into the life. For what reason we can’t be sure, but whatever the case, the main ringleader of this gang wasn’t accepted and therefore has decided to try and start his own cartel. We can’t give too much away as to how we secured this information, but it would seem the head member of the cartel has said they are not with him and he holds no responsibility over what they do, or what happens to them. The choices they’re making do not involve him nor do they come from his instruction.”

“So once again, a bunch of punks using their family ties to cause shit?” Jax growls.

“More to the point, a group of men being led by a brother who was raised in a cartel, but was essentially kicked out and is trying to create his own deadly group, which we are calling a gang, as the two are very different things. There are at least ten of them in this little gang, and the leader has on more than one occasion been a suspect in a murder investigation. They’re not just playing with small things. They’re going for the big guns, trying to prove themselves. My guess, they’re trying to create the world they’re being rejected from, and in doing that, going to the extremes.”

“So what’s this big breakthrough?” Jax asks.

“We seem to have zoned in on their possible locations. We have the evidence to arrest them, but trying to track them down has been hard. They know how to hide and they do it well.”

“There’s a chance that you’ll make an arrest then?” Duke asks.

“Yes, and hopefully soon. If we arrest these men, they’ll go away for life.”

“But won’t the cartel keep bringing pain down on Jax, for having them arrested?” I ask, confused.

“No, ma’am. As I said earlier, they want nothing to do with this rogue group that has been created from their roots.”

“And you know this how?” Jax asks.

“As I said, I’m unable to disclose such information, but I don’t think you’ll find it’s an issue when the men are locked away.”

“And you can be assured of that?” Devon asks.

Blayke shakes his head. “Of course we can never give you a one-hundred-percent guarantee, but the information we’ve got is from a good source and as far as we can tell, this group Jaxson is dealing with is a bunch of thugs trying to create a name, and nothing more.”

We all nod.

“We do advise that you be careful, especially now,” Johnson says. “They’re getting desperate, and this is when they’ll make a mistake, but you don’t want to be in the way of that mistake.”

We all nod, and the officers stand, shaking Jax’s hand.

“We have hope that something will come of this situation. In the meantime, just sit tight. We’re doing everything we possibly can.”

Jax nods and we all watch as the officers leave.

Well, maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Just maybe.

*   *   *

The next ten days pass event free, and Kyle joins the team again. Jax and I have become pros at our passionate rendezvous and things are heating up even more between us if that’s possible. Every time he’s inside me, it feels like something in my body is attaching to him even more. I think about him all day. When I’m not thinking about him, I’m with him.

The police have started closing in on the thugs making Jax’s life a living hell, and they said they’re starting to make good tracks. Kyle is back, but not doing full security, so he just relieves shifts when we’re tired or need a day off. I’ve had three days off in the last ten, and those days I have crammed my time with Aunt Bett, Uncle George and Jed. Mitch is away, so I’ve been unable to catch up with him.

Of course I have to be in safe places when meeting with them, in case the thugs decide to make good on their threats and come after me. Still it was nice seeing my family. I feel like right now I’ve barely had the chance to even talk with them on the phone. Nak said as little contact as possible is best until this case is put to bed, just for their safety. That makes sense, so I’ve been sure to do just that.

Today it’s just Jax and me. It hasn’t been just Jax and me since before Kyle’s beating. We’re in his office, and he’s mostly busy with phone conferences, but every now and then, between calls, he looks up at me and smiles. A real, gorgeous, genuine smile. It melts my heart, traveling right to my core and sinking in, refusing to leave.

“Yeah,” Jax says, phone pressed to his ear. “I’m hearing you. Schedule it for two weeks from now. I’ll take a trip down and sort it out.”

He stares at my lips and his tongue snakes out, licking his. Oh God. Yum. He wheels his chair back and pats his lap. Like a child who’s desperate for affection, I rush over and settle onto him. He wraps an arm around my belly and presses his face into my neck, breathing in my hair. I close my eyes, loving how he makes me feel. Loving the vibrations of his voice as he speaks.

“Yeah, sort that out for me, will you?”

He pulls the phone from his ear and puts it down. Then he starts kissing my neck.

“Jax,” I breathe.

“How long have we got?”

“Kyle will take over in about an hour.”

“I can work with an hour.”

He lifts me into his arms and carries me into the next room, to the bed. He drops me down onto it and brings his big body over mine. He kisses my neck, my throat, my jaw and then my lips. Our kiss is passionate and long, so deep my body breaks out in shivers. Jax moves his hand down, cupping my ass and bringing my body up to ride against his erection.

“Jax,” I gasp.

“I’d love to fuck you, fucking love to, but I don’t have the time. But rest assured, kitten. I’ll make you scream.”

He starts rocking my heated body against his cock, causing it to touch the most sensitive part of me. I groan and close my eyes, loving the sensations washing through my body.

“Jax,” I cry out, as his rigid length rubs over my clit.

“What. The. Fuck.”

The sound of Kyle’s voice has Jax jerking backwards and my head whipping to the side. Oh. Shit. Panic rises into my chest and my skin tingles with fear as I see Kyle standing at the entrance, his eyes on Jax and me. There’s absolutely no way of getting out of this, we can’t explain away what we’re doing. Copyright 2016 - 2024