“Do you want them to catch you?” he growls into my ear, still plunging his cock into me.

I shake my head.

“Do you want them to come in here and see your beautiful fucking body being held against this counter, while I drive my cock into your sweet, sweet cunt?”

Oh God.

My pussy clenches.

I shake my head.

“Maybe you want them to see your sweet fucking breasts cupped in my hand?”

I shake my head but moan against his hand.

“Or maybe you fucking like being in here, knowing they could walk in at any second and see me fucking you?”

I do. I do like that. It’s twisted and strange and so fucking out of this world, but I like it. Oh yes.

“If you come before I tell you, kitten, I’ll pull my cock out. Do you want me to pull it out?”

I shake my head frantically.

“Kitten likes my cock deep in her body.”

I whimper against his hand and he makes a satisfied noise.

“Do you want to know how much I like your pussy?”

I nod, feeling my orgasm build.

“I fucking love it, baby. It’s so sweet, so tight, so fucking good around my dick.”

If he doesn’t stop talking like this, I’ll come, and the bastard knows it. It’s why he’s doing it.

“Does it make you feel like you’re going to come when I tell you about my cock?”

Fuck him.

Oh God, I’m so close.

“Does your pussy squeeze tight, desperate for me?”

I clench my eyes shut and try to push back the pleasure exploding in my body, but it’s nearly impossible. It feels so good I can’t think of anything else.

“You’re holding back,” he growls into my ear. “You can do as you’re told, baby.”


Jerk face.


Oh hell yes.

He angles his hips up and drives his cock deeper, touching that sensitive bundle of nerves. Then he releases my hip, reaches around and finds my clit. Oh. Hell. Yes. Sparks of pleasure shoot through my body, but I hold on, I just keep holding on until the pleasure gets so much it almost hurts.

“Fuck, yeah, come now.”

With his permission, I explode so hard and so good, I swear I see stars.

“Good girl, fuck yeah, good girl,” he praises in my ear between grunts.

My orgasm is incredible, better than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. It goes on and on, starting from deep in my body and dragging out like a slow warmth, filling every part of me. I gasp Jax’s name, over and over, and I feel the exact moment he stiffens and explodes into me. His rasps and pants of pleasure fill my ears and nothing in the world could sound better than that.

We stay like that, molded together, until our breathing becomes less ragged and Jax slides out of me. He shuffles a bit, and then pulls my panties back up into place and lets my nightie slide down. We didn’t even get naked for that, and I loved it. I turn and his cock is tucked back in his sweats and he’s staring at me, chest rising and falling. He steps forward, tangling his fingers into my hair and bringing my face close to his.

“You’re mine, Delaney. For as long as I can fucking have you, you’re mine.”

I nod, unable to form words.

“Don’t let me see another man’s hands on you again, because I don’t fucking like it.”

My heart swells.

I nod.

“And you won’t see another woman’s hands on me,” he murmurs.

My heart explodes.

“Now kiss me, baby, before our luck runs out.”

He drops his head and his lips press against mine. I kiss him, softly, with only a little tongue, and then we pull back. He presses another kiss to my forehead, and then lets me go, disappearing into the darkness. I watch him go, a strange ache in my heart I’ve never felt before.

I think I’m falling in love with Jaxson Shields.


The next morning we’re up and on the plane before lunchtime. We safely get through the airport and when we arrive home, we get safely to the car. On the ride back to Jax’s hotel, none of us says a whole lot. The sexual tension between Jax and me is huge, and all I want to do is climb onto his lap and kiss him, because being starved of such a pleasure is killing me.

The arrival at the hotel is the same, only security has tripled. We go into the underground car park, after going through a full security check by a man at the gate. When we pull over, Devon and I perform the check in the lobby, even though there’s now a guard at the entrance to the elevator. The space is clear, so we move Jax in and go up to his floor, where we repeat the same process.

Jax doesn’t have a great deal of work to do, because it’s Sunday. We weren’t meant to come back until Monday or Tuesday, but because of the security threat, we didn’t get much choice. So now it’s kind of the time most people relax, and we’re all standing around, not really sure what to do. We’re going to be staying here until Jax can manage to upgrade the security on his apartment even more, so that leaves little to work with.

“I’m going to give Nak a call,” Duke says. “See what we’re going to do.”

I nod and he exits the room. Devon is busy staring at it in wonder. “It’s like an office but an apartment. Epic, dude.”

I shake my head and sit on the sofa, trying not to make eye contact with Jax because I’m afraid I’ll jump him.

“Have you heard anything about Kyle?” I ask Devon.

He nods. “Yeah, he got transferred back this morning too. He’s out of the hospital but Nak isn’t sure where he’s going to put him that’s safe. He can’t really go to his apartment after what went down.”

“Tell Nak to put him in a room here.”

We both swivel our heads to look at Jax. “Seriously?” I ask.

He shrugs. “Security in this hotel is better than anywhere else right now, so he’s better off being here.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Devon says. “I’ll go and tell Duke to let Nak know.”

He leaves the room and I turn to Jax, forgetting Kyle in an instant as his eyes grow hungry. “Get over here and kiss me, before I explode and take you in front of everyone.”

I rush over, throwing myself into his arms and kissing him long and deep. He grunts into my mouth and our tongues do a beautiful little dance. It’s over too soon when we hear the door handle being turned. I step back and away from Jax, walking over to the window, hating that I can’t have what I want when it comes to him.

“Nak agrees, and Kyle is being sent over. If you can just let us know what room, we’ll cover the cost,” Devon says.

Jax waves a hand. “It’s fine, he’s had to put extra men on. I can spare a room. I’ll find out for you.”

He calls down and secures a room for Kyle and then Duke returns and calls Devon and me over.

“The police are on their way up, they’ve had a breakthrough. Nak said we can start splitting shifts to get rest. Jax has secured two rooms for us, one for resting, the other for Kyle, both are on the floor below. Delaney, you can take the first rest after the police have come by.”

I nod.

Duke tells Jax what’s happening and his eyes widen at the word breakthrough. I keep my fingers crossed, praying it’s what we’ve been waiting for, and take a seat as we wait. Half an hour later, we get the call the police are here and Duke goes down to escort them up. I gather some chairs near Jax’s desk so we can all sit.

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