"Here, I'll be right back with the beers."

When she returned, she plopped down cross-legged on the blanket, tucking her full cotton skirt under her legs. David took the frosty mug she offered and sipped the cold dark brew as he reached over to turn the machine on.

"I guess you're right...it really is about time I got all unpacked"

"Yes, you should. I'll even help. ...Say, what do you eat nights when we don't go out or you're not eating at my parent's? There's practically nothing to eat in the house and most of your dishes and pots and pans are still packed."

"Well...sometimes I get Chinese or a pizza ...or I buy a steak that I throw on the grill, so all I need is a plate, a knife, and a fork."

"Ah hah! I knew it, you're only being good to me to get to my mother's cooking!" she teased.

He shook his head in protest and replied in a husky voice while gazing into her bright blue eyes, "You know that's not true."

Suddenly made shy by the serious tone of his voice, Sara lowered her head then turned her attention to the movie playing on the TV screen. David cursed himself for not replying in the same lighthearted banter that had characterized their relationship until now. He wanted to be more than a buddy to this woman, but was afraid she wasn't yet ready. He glanced sideways at her, longing to caress the curve of her jawbone and kiss the tip of her nose, but he valued her friendship too much-he would settle for platonic if that was what she wanted.

In the past few weeks he had gotten to know her and could tell the damage from her divorce was beginning to heal. He would be patient and try to help her to trust again. She was comfortable with him, he knew that, but could comfort become love? He hoped so.

They sat in silence for awhile, watching the movie until they both reached for the popcorn bowl at the same time, and as their hands collided in the bowl, their eyes met. David took a single kernel and put it in Sara's mouth. She held his hand to her lips and licked the salt that had clung to his fingers, their eyes still locked. He leaned forward and kissed her. It was a hesitant kiss at first, but sensing no resistance, become bolder, more passionate, yet soft, gentle. His lips left hers and moved towards her ear where they nuzzled for a moment before continuing on a path down her neck.

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