"How early is it?" she asked.

"Not quite eight thirty."

"Well...let's see...I know, why don't we rent a movie. You've got a VCR don't you?...No?...well, that's OK, we can rent one...you do have a TV, don't you?"

David laughed. "Yes I have a TV, though not much else. I'm afraid I've kind of been living out of boxes."

"David Wilson, shame on you! You mean to tell me you've been living in that house for a month without unpacking?"

He grinned sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. "I've been too busy working on the barn...and the trees-they have been neglected for a long time you know."

Sara shook her head. "That's no excuse. At least now I know why you haven't invited me over yet."

"Yes...well...I did want to be a little more settled in before having guests."

"At this rate you'll never get settled in. Well at least you have a TV. Come on let's go." She tugged on his arm. "

Have you got any popcorn?" David shook his head. "No, I didn't think so. OK, we'll just have to stop at the market and pick some up. We have to have popcorn. What kind of movies do you like?" she asked as she climbed into the truck on the driver's side and slid over, leaving David just enough room to get in.

"David! How could you live like this?" exclaimed Sara as they stepped into the house. The rooms were empty except for the boxes that were scattered about, some had been opened, but most were still sealed. In the living room was a leather Lazy-Boy recliner facing a small portable TV set perched on a milk crate filled with record albums that could be played on the stereo sitting on the floor next to it. Newspapers were piled up next to the chair but other than that, the floor was bare.

"I did warn you." said David as he handed her the bag of groceries. "Here, take these into the kitchen while I set this machine up," indicating the VCR.

"I can hardly wait to see what the kitchen looks like," and she carefully made her way though an obstacle course of boxes.

While Sara was busy popping corn kernels, David connected the VCR to his TV set and once satisfied the rented machine was going to work, he ran up the stairs to fetch a blanket and pillows from his bed. Then he rummaged around until he found two candles which he placed on boxes he had placed on either side of the blanket that was spread out on the floor in front of the television. He was lighting the candles as Sara came from the kitchen carrying a bowl of hot buttered popcorn. She handed the bowl to David.

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