Samantha and Prudence repeated the words, Samantha with no enthusiasm and Prudence with whole-hearted fervor. "Good. Say it again," Miss Brigham instructed. They repeated the phrase twenty-five times in all. "Now, what have you learned?"

"We shouldn't read books?" Samantha said.

"Yes, and what else?"

"We shouldn't tell lies?"

"Yes. Any lie at all sets us on a path to Hell. I want you to consider this while I check on the other children. You may return when you're ready to behave."

After Miss Brigham stomped back up the hill, Samantha got to her feet. "Where are you going?" Prudence asked. "She told us to stay here and think."

"You can sit here and think until you turn blue. I'm getting out of here."

"Where will you go?"

"I don't care. Anywhere is better than here." Samantha started back towards town, but Prudence got in her way. "You can't stop me. I'm leaving."

"You can't go! He'll find you."


"Mr. Pryde. He lives in the woods and makes sure no one gets in or out unless the reverend says so." Prudence looked around her as though expecting Mr. Pryde to jump out of a bush.

"I'm not scared of him," Samantha said, though she didn't remember ever seeing Mr. Pryde before.

"Samantha, please, it's not just him. He has dogs. They're terrible, monstrous things, like a pack of rabid wolves. Anyone who tries to get in or out without permission, he sets them loose. They'll tear you to pieces."

"I don't care. I'd rather get torn apart by wild dogs than stay here another second." Samantha crossed her arms and stamped her foot for emphasis.

Tears started to stream down Prudence's cheeks. "Samantha, please. You're my only friend. I don't want to lose you."

"You don't even know me. I don't even know me."

"That doesn't matter. You're the only one who hasn't treated me like I'm different."

"If you lost some weight you'd have plenty of friends," Samantha said. At this, Prudence's tears turned to sobs that doubled her over. A cold lump formed in Samantha's stomach. Prudence had shown her nothing but kindness and Samantha repaid it by hurting her. She put an arm around Prudence's shoulders. "I'm sorry. I'll stay. For now." Copyright 2016 - 2024