"That's just a story."

"No, look." From a pocket, Prudence took out a black book with gold-trimmed pages. She turned to the back and showed Samantha a picture of a screaming demon with the body of a goat and the wings of a bat surrounded by flames.

"'And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.'"

"You can read it?" Prudence asked.

"Of course. Can't you?"

"Only the reverend and Miss Brigham are allowed to read."

"Why's that?"

"It's forbidden until you've studied The Way long enough to resist Satan's influence."

"That's crazy! Books aren't evil."

Prudence searched the meadow for anyone spying on them and then whispered, "Would you read some more?"

"Sure." Samantha flipped to another page and read, "'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'" Samantha became so engrossed with her reading she didn't see Prudence shrink away or hear Miss Brigham lead the other children up the hill.

"Samantha Young, what are you doing?"

"I was reading-"

"That is forbidden." Miss Brigham snatched the Bible from Samantha's hands. "Children aren't allowed to read. Not until you've had the proper training. Otherwise, who knows what kind of smut and filth you'll uncover?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would hurt anyone."

"Do try to be more careful in the future." Miss Brigham then turned to glare at Prudence. "And Prudence, shame on you for encouraging her. You were supposed to keep her out of trouble. Perhaps you aren't as dependable as I thought."

"I'm sorry, Miss Brigham."

"She didn't do anything wrong. She tried to stop me."

"Is that true, Prudence?" Prudence met Miss Brigham's gaze for a second before looking down at the ground and shaking her head. "That's what I thought. Samantha, your concern for your friend is admirable, but you must understand lying under any circumstances is wrong. If you had been paying attention to the reverend's sermon this morning instead of causing mischief, you would know tiny lies start us down the wicked path."


"No buts, young lady. You two follow me. The rest of you sit here silently and seriously think about the reverend's sermon and what it means to you. We'll discuss it when I return." Miss Brigham took Samantha by the arm and led her back down the path with Prudence following in tow like a scolded puppy. They stopped at a small clearing, where Miss Brigham instructed the girls to kneel before a rock. "You girls pray for God to forgive your transgressions. Repeat after me, 'Lord, forgive us for having sinned against you and the sacred Way you entrusted to Reverend Crane.'"

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