"Wow that was a close one" Sammy says once we are in the car. My heart is still racing a hundred miles per second that was to close for my liking. "Hell yeah it was" I admit out loud. Now that I think about it where the hell did she come from? I turn to face her "Wait, how did you know to come?". Was she spying on me? No she wouldn't do that plus I saw her leave in the car. "You send me a text" she says in a matter of fact voice. "I did?" I ask confuse. I don't even have a phone and she knows that. She takes out her phone and shows me the text "See come to the aquarium now!" she reads out loud for me to hear her. I didn't send that message and I know that Gabe didn't send it either because he was with me the whole time. So who the hell send it? The horn of the car behind us scares me right out of my thoughts. "Fuck you!," Sam yells out the window as she flicks them off "Where did you get the phone?" she ask when she gets back in the car. I shrug my shoulders "I ask the first person that pass by" I drive off hoping to end this conversation.

That's the best I can come up with. "What about mystery man?" she frowns. FUCK! I should of said his phone. Why didn't I think about that? Now I have to come up with another lie. For some one who hates lying I sure have become good with them. "He didn't show up" I lie. I reach for the radio to turn up the radio. I need to end this conversation before I keep adding more lies.

"What?" she slaps my hand away from the radio. She crosses her arms across her chest "How dare he not show up? What a fucking asshole". I hate lying to her but if I tell her the truth she is going to ask so many questions. I don't feel like answering all her questions right now. I'm to pissed to talk. I know for a fact that Sammy didn't tell Raul where we were going so that only leaves one person. My father. How dare he send Mark. Out of every one in that fucking house he sends him knowing damn well I despise him. Why even send some one in the first place? I made it very clearly to him that I didn't want anyone to follow me.

"I'm sorry Jane" she sounds upset for me. "It's okay Sam maybe he had an emergency it's not like he could call me" I say. I don't want her thinking bad about Gabe. Eventually they are going to meet each other and I don't want no bad blood between them. I'm so pissed off that it took me exactly 10 minutes to get to my house. Which would normally take me 20 minutes. I pull up to my house and find Mark's car already parked in front. I don't know how it's possible but I'm even more pissed off than before. I wish I was driving a regular car so I can slam the door. "Jane wait" Sam calls after me as I get off the car. I slam the house door open and walk straight to my dad's office he should be in here.

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