"Fuck off Mark," Jane catches my attention again "I don't want to breath the same air as you what makes you think I would want your personal space? Now move before you regret it". Mark throws his hands in the air as he slowly backs away from her. "She got this" Logan smirks at what just happen. I know Jane can defend her self but I want to be the one to take care of him. "Answer my question where is Sammy?" he ask again. Jane shifts to one leg as she cross her arms around her chest again "I don't have to answer anything especially to you" she stalls. Fuck what is she going to come up with? I pretty sure that Sammy isn't even in the same building as we are. Jane looks so fucking hot when she is all worked up. Am I seriously thinking about that right now?

Mark runs his hands threw his nasty hair out of frustration. I don't like the way he is looking at her. I need to be by her side just in case he thinks of putting his hands on her. I try pushing Logan out my way but he doesn't budge. "Get the fuck out of my way I don't want to damage that pretty face of yours" I warn him. I don't want to but I would do it to get to my girl. The corner of his mouth lifts up "Now that wouldn't be nice". All right he ask for it.

"Prima," I hear Sammy's voice as I'm getting ready to punch Logan "that bathroom line was no joke". Jane looks at her in confusion but she quickly recovers "He was asking for you" Jane says with relief. Where the hell did she come from? Was she here all along? I don't know and I don't care I'm just glad she is here. "Talk about good timing" I say more to myself than to any one else. "Damn she drives fast" Logan says with a smile. Why is he smiling and what the hell is he talking about? "What?" I turn to ask him. "I send her a message like 5 minutes ago" he leans into the wall acting all calm. Once again I am thankful he tagged along. "You? How?" I ask surprised. He didn't even know where I was going to be. He looks at his nails and than rubs them on his shirt causing me to chuckle "Let's just say I know people". He such a conceited asshole. "Thanks" I slap him on his back. Jane looks over my way and winks letting me know everything is okay. "Damn I think she likes me" Logan jokes. "Pretty face dude pretty face" I remind him of my threat earlier. "Fine I leave but ya have to go home" Mark points at both of them. "Yeah yeah yeah" Sammy interlocks her arm with Jane. Jane gives me one last smile as she walks away.

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