"So your father is El Rey?" he ask as we wait for our food. Well he got right to the point wasting no time. "Yes my real name is Jane Santana," I take a sip of my soda hoping that some how it will turn into wine.

"So you're a cop?" I hit him with that question. If he isn't wasting no time neither am I. He nods his head "I'm a Lieutenant in the N.Y.P.D," he sips on his soda. He is a Lieutenant? Oh god I thought him being a cop was bad. How didn't I know? "I had no idea who you were until a few days ago" he adds. I don't know if I should believe him. How can I believe him?

"You're going to tell me that you didn't look me up in the system?" I ask finding it hard to believe that. He chuckles "Of course I did have you met me? But I search for Jane Carter and some how a file came up with your picture". What? A file came up? How? Does my father have some one working inside? I wouldn't be surprise if he did.

"That's strange" I frown. "Yeah," he agrees "I haven't put to much mind into it until now". I can see his brain working over time trying to make the puzzles fit. I wish him good luck because I been trying to put them together and so far I have nothing.

I fold my napkin for the 20th time "Why didn't you tell me?". I need to know why he never told me he was a cop. If he didn't know who I was than why keep that a secret from me? That is messing with my head.

"Well at first because I didn't trust you I mean it wasn't like we were friends," he has a point we weren't friends we actually hated each other "and then I wanted to keep you safe I knew there was something going on with you and I knew you wasn't going to trust me if I told you I was a cop". That's also true if I would of known he was a cop I would of packed my things up and run.

"Why didn't you trust me?" he ask with the same hurt expression as I did. "I did, I mean I do trust you," I correct myself before going on "I knew it was only a matter of time before my father send someone looking for me all I wanted to do was enjoy the time I had. I never once though I was going to fall in love but then you came around and turn my life upside down with those green eyes. No matter how hard I tried hating you I couldn't". I stare him straight in the eyes so he can see that I'm not lying "I was so close to telling you so many times but I wanted to keep you and Sophia safe from the hell I live". Tears start to build up in my eyes and it's getting harder for me to speak. He shakes his head and I stop him from speaking "I totally understand if this is to much for you" I add. Why would he want to be with some one like me when he can have a normal girl who has a normal dad not a drug lord. It would kill me all over again to have him walk away from me but at least I know he is alive. I love him so much that I'm willing to let him go. I can live with that.

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