"My lady" he pulls out the chair for me to sit. He knows I love it when he acts like a gentleman. "Thanks my lord" I grab my dress and bow giving him the same courtesy. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and takes his seat across from me. "You look beautiful" he complements me. I feel my whole body flushing at his words. "So do you" I smile. His hair is a mess like always and his eyes are greener than life. His smile should be illegal he can make any women panties drop with that smile. "May I get you something to drink?" a blond waiter ask. "A glass of wine" I'm going to need one for this conversation. Gabe's smile turns into a straight line as he stares at me "Make that 2 sodas. One sprite and a coca-cola" he orders never taking his eyes off me. I knew he wasn't going to let me order wine but it was worth a try. The waitress plays with her hair as she eye fucks Gabe "Be right back". I have the urge to get up and punch her right in her face. What the hell is wrong with her? Doesn't she see me sitting right here? I roll my eyes and mimic her as she walks away. "No more wine or any type of liquor for you" Gabe announced interrupting my acting skills. Excuse me? What did he just say? On top of being mad about this blond bimbo eye fucking him he throws me a curve ball. It's not even about me drinking I'm fine with never drinking another cup of alcohol it's about him telling me what to do instead of talking to me about it.

"That's the second ridiculous thing I herd you say today" I say annoyed. I already have a father who thinks he can tell me what to do. I don't need another one if he thinks he is going to tell me what I can or can't do he has another thing coming his way. "Muffin," he reaches for my hand sensing my mood change "I've notice you have been drinking a lot lately". No he did not just say that it feels like he just smack me across the face. He has no idea what I been through how dare he judge me? I pull my hand out of his hold "Well that was the only escape I had to turn off my emotions" I say defensively. I look down at my menu to avoid looking at him. I'm so pissed off that the words on the menu are blurry. I don't have a drinking problem I can stop when ever I want. "I hate that you were hurting because of me," he whisper "it's my fault". I lift my head even more pissed off than before. "Are you kidding me?" I stare him right in his eyes and see how much pain he is in. All the anger leaves my body and is replace with guilt. "None of this is your fault I stared to drink because I needed a way out of all the pain I was in when I thought you were dead. If anything this is all my fault" I say. If I wasn't who I was none of this would of happen in the first place. "No this isn't your fault," he runs his hands through his hair "I'm sorry it took me so long to find you if I knew where you were sooner I would of came after you". How can I be mad at this wonderful man? I can't that's the answer. I reach for his hand "You're here now". That's what matters. He brings my hand towards his mouth and plants a small kiss "Yeah I am". My stomach picks this moment to let every one know how hungry I am. "Now let's order" I say ready to order everything on the menu.

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