"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I finally snap. I couldn't take it no more he knows how to push my buttons. He chuckles "Now that's more like it". I swear there is something seriously wrong with him well beside the obvious that is. It seems like the more I push him away the more he tries. I roll my eyes annoyed at myself for letting him get under my skin.

"So I guess you're still mad at me" he takes a sit across from me. Still mad? I drop my fork and cross my arms across my chest as I glare at him. "Mad?" I let out a fake laugh "What I feel is so beyond mad Mark that there is not even a word for it". Hate is more like it. He leans back into the chair "Well at least you're talking to me that's a start". I don't even know why I am talking to him. I've been avoid him like the plague since we got here. I even told my father to keep him away from me. That's one of the reason why I stay in my room to avoid him since he is always around. I've had enough of this conversation I'm not getting anywhere with him. I push my bowl away it seems like I lost my appetite and jump off the chair. "I'm sorry," he apologizes yet again. That's it I'm tired of hearing him apologizes. I turn to face him and lean on my elbows "You know I would of forgiving you for kidnapping me or for back stabbing me but what I can't and won't forgive you is for killing Gabe". Just saying that brings tears to my eyes "It doesn't matter how many times you apologize I will never accept it". I walk away with my head up high and a broken heart all over again.

Being around Mark takes me back to that day and I relive everything all over again. The truth is that I miss Gabe more and more everyday. I miss his smile, laughter, the way he ran his hand through his hair every time he was worried about something, the dimple that popped up on his right cheek every time he smiled, and last but no least his green eyes. I also miss Sophia. I haven't been able to get in contact with her and that's killing me. She probably thinks I've forgotten all about her. I climb into bed and cry until there is nothing left but the numbness. I guess I'm staying in bed today. After a few hours of watching Nexflix Sammy walks in with my dinner "Nina sends you this" she puts the tray down. "Thanks I'll eat it later" I lie. I'm not hungry and to be honest I don't think I'll get hungry later. "What are you watching?" she ask nervously. "Sex and the city" I answer. I know what she is going to ask before she does. "Can I stay?" she whispers so low I barley hear her. I peel the sheets "Hop in". She takes off her shoes and jumps in with out touching me. See that's what I'm taking about she knows when to stop pushing.

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