The car ride to the boat was only a 20 minute drive but I swear it felt like an hour long. I can't stand one more second in this car with Raul acting like a sweetheart the only one who is buying his act is Sammy. Once the car pulled up to the valet stop I jump right out not giving the valet the chance to open the door for me. I need a drink and fast. "I invited some one I hope you don't mind baby" Raul says to Sammy. "Not at all babe" she answers. I don't care who the hell he invited anyone who is friends with Raul is fucked up in the head and I have no interest in meeting them. I made sure to walk a few steps ahead of them. "There he is" Raul says. Without even thinking about it my head turns to where Raul and Sammy are looking. I feel all the blood leave my face as my hands turn into fist besides me as I watch Mark walking towards us. Oh hell to the fucking no! It's one thing to deal with Raul but there is no fucking way I'm dealing with that asshole. I walk back to Raul furious "You did this on fucking purpose" I poke him in his chest. It's not a secret to any one that I can't stand Mark. "I don't know what you are talking about. Mark is my friend" he smirks. I'm so close to slam my fist into his face. "They really are friends" Sammy jumps in for him before I can punch him. I give her an evil glare if she knew he was coming and didn't tell me I'm not speaking to her all next year. "I didn't know he was coming I swear" she says reading my mind. "Hello ladies" Mark says as he reaches us. Just the sound of his voice makes my stomach turn upside down. I give Raul one last evil look letting him know I wish him a slow painful death and storm towards the boat avoiding Mark.

I need a drink or maybe 5. As soon as I step inside the room a waiter with a tray of champagne glasses walks by me. I reach for two of them and chug them down quickly one after another. I was so busy chugging down the champagne that I didn't notice that all the waiters are wearing a mask. I didn't know it was a masquerade ball. Now that I feel more calmer I take the chance to really look around. I'm guessing this is the dinning room, there are over 20 tables cover with white and silver table cloths, in the middle of every table there is a silver vase with white roses as a center piece. Every one in her is either wearing a cocktail dress or a tux. "Prima I'm so sorry I didn't know he was coming I swear" Sammy says from behind me. I'm so beyond pissed right now that I don't even want to speak or see her. In a way all of this is her fault for tricking me into coming in the first place. "I'll be at the bar" I inform her as I walk away never looking back at her. I don't even bother in inviting her because I already know the answer. Copyright 2016 - 2024