She gives me a small smile "Yeah more champagne" she reaches for the glass. God bless her little heart she always know when to drop a conversation. "You look stunning" I say trying to shift the attention off me to her. She is wearing a beige lace dress that has a sweetheart neckline exposing her back, her hair is in a nice neat bun on top of her head, and she is wearing the most beautiful long earrings I have ever seen. I can't believe how fast Sammy grew up. Just not so long ago she was running around with pigtails and her missing tooth. Now she has blossom into a beautiful young woman when did it happen? "Thanks," she twirls around checking her self out in the mirror "You look amazing yourself". I might look amazing in the outside but in the inside it's a different story. "Thanks" I chug the rest of my drink not really caring how I look. "Raul should be here any second now," she sounds so excited to see him. I don't understand why.

"I'm going to need another drink" I say under my breath as I reach for the bottle. "I herd that" she yells as I walk away. "I don't care" I mumble. "And that too" she walks towards me. "What?" I ask annoyed as I take a seat on the bed. "Please Jane behave for me" she pleads with her eyes. I feel bad for her so I take pity "Fine keep him away from me and I'll be on my best behavior mom" I say sarcastically. I can be such a bitch some times it surprises me.

Before Sammy can even get another word in, there is a knock on the door. Her whole face lights up as she turns to walk towards the door. I love to see her smile even tho he is the reason why maybe I'm wrong about Raul. Maybe he really does care for Sammy to be fair I really never gave him a chance to prove me wrong. "Wow baby you look fucking hot" Raul's annoying voice fills the room. Be nice Jane give him a chance. "Thanks babe let me get my purse" she walks back towards me with Raul right behind her. Raul's eyes are on me as he sizes me up from head to toe. I have to fight the urge to flinch under his gaze. "Mmm you look fucking sexy in that dress," he walks towards the bed if he gets any closer I'm going to pop him in the head with this bottle "if you find yourself alone at midnight and need some one to kiss at midnight don't be shy to look for me" he winks. Nope same old asshole that I remember. I can't even believe I actually dated that asshole. "Go fuck yourself" I give him the finger. "Okay let's go" Sammy walks in with her head inside her purse not paying attention to what's going on around her. Raul spins around with a grin on his face "Let's go doll" he reaches for her hand. This is going to be a long as night I can already tell. I drown the last of my champagne. Copyright 2016 - 2024