"It all start when I was 4 years old," he say as if he was old as hell I can't stop myself from chuckling "It was my first day of school I was so excited and I was looking handsome like always. My mother drove me to school she even walked me all the way inside the class room. I didn't know any one in there but me being the brave boy that I was, I wasn't worry. I walked inside and that's when I saw this little boy crying in his seat-"

"Alright alright I got it from here," I interrupt him. Jane turns to face me with a smile that reaches her eyes "First of all I was crying because I didn't get to see my favorite cartoon show earlier that day" I lie. The real reason why I was crying was because I was scare out of my mind. "And Logan over here was crying as soon as he walked in. He was hugging his mom's leg like his life depended on it." Jane looks over to Logan and giggles "So his mom walks over to the desk besides me with Logan around her leg. The teacher had to come and help her unwrap him off her. Once Logan was in his seat his mom left so there we were both crying our eyes out wanting our mommies" I smile to myself. That's when we both looked at each other and bust out laughing.

"Men you were one ugly mother fucker crying with boogers running down your face" Logan says. "Oh cause you looked so much better with those hiccups you had" I defend myself. "And that's when it all started after that we realized we took the same bus because we lived around the corner from each other" Logan finish the story. "Aww that is the cutest story I've ever herd" Jane smiles. "If you think that was cute wait until you hear the rest," Logan says. I pull the chair out and snuggle with Jane this is going to be a long walk down memory lane.

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