"Really is there a special some one waiting for you?" she turns to face him. He looks a little surprise but then he recovers "I don't know about a some one more like a dozen" he winks. Jane let's out a laugh that makes me smile I love hearing her laugh. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me. "You're a dog. Please tell me you weren't as bad as he is" she lifts her head up to look at me.

Logan is smirking waiting for my answer we both know I was as bad or even worst than him. Just to be clear I'm not proud of my past well at least now I'm not. "Of course not," Logan jumps in before I answer which I'm thankful for "he was worst". I glare at Logan wishing I can throw myself at him. Jane gives me a small friendly slap on the chest "Pig" she grins. "But unlike Logan over there I've turned a new leaf" I drop me head and give her a small peck on the lips. "You've better" she rubs her nose against mine. "Oh brother," Logan throws his arms in the air.

"That reminds me," Jane pulls back from me "if you ever give me an order again I will cut your balls off" she says with no humor in her voice. I knew I was going to pay for that comment. "Now that's more like it" Logan yells as he rubs his hands together "I have 5 on Jane". I pull Jane in "I'm sorry for barking orders at you I'm just used to people doing what I say" fuck that didn't come out right. "Oh shit you done did it now" Logan chuckles. "Excuse me? I'm not some kind of puppy who is going to seat when you say so" she says. Damn I need to turn this around before it gets out of hand."I know that's what I like about you" I quickly say. I see her face transform from upset to happy. "Booo, she isn't dumb to fall for that line" Logan says. Jane wraps her arm around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss.

She sucks on my bottom lip and shoves her tongue inside of my mouth before I can do it myself. "Well I guess I was wrong" Logan says with humor. I wrap my arm around Jane to stick my middle finger out at him. Jane starts to wiggle around causing me to break the kiss. I don't know how much more I can take before removing our cloths. "Oh come on I was just getting the popcorn" Logan cries. Jane's eyes bug out as she drops her head "Oh god" she mumbles. She must of forgotten Logan was sitting there. "Don't you have anything better to do?" I look over Jane to Logan. "Mm nope not really" he shrugs his shoulders. I hear Jane laughing "You know I still don't know how ya became best friends". Logan looks over to me and we just start laughing "I'll tell you" Logan beams.

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