Once we step outside I find my father's jet waiting for us it's just like him to think ahead of me. "I'm guessing your uncle had something to do with this?" Gabe turns to me. Oh god if he only knew who really send it he wouldn't even be getting on the jet. I feel my ears starting to burn I don't want to lie to him any more but I have too, well at least this time. "Yeah I'm sorry" I say shyly. "Don't be I don't mind if that makes you feel comfortable," he wraps his large arm around my waist "are you ready to board Misses. Carter?" he ask. I wrap my arms around his neck "Actually it's Misses. Santana" I correct him.

I have to admit that it feels great to be able to say my real name out loud. I was starting to miss it. "Misses. Santana it fits you" he says as he leans in for a kiss. With everything that was going on I forget to give him a kiss. I part my lips and he twirls is tongue inside my mouth causing my knees to feel like jello. "I swear you two are like rabbits" Logan says from behind us. Gabe tries pulling away from me but I wrap my arms around his neck to keep him in place. I'm not ready to let go of him just yet.

"Aww how cute" I hear some one say as they clap. I break away from Gabe feeling embarrassed that we got caught with our tongues down each others throat. I turn to apologizes and that's when I feel all color leave my face. Mark and Raul are standing a few feet away pointing their guns at us. "What the hell are ya doing here?" I ask my voice coming out a little shaky. This can't be happening right now. I was so close. Raul sends a wink my way but I'm to shock to even react. What the hell is going on? Where is my dad?

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