"I was just coming to get you" he smiles and my heart warms up. I'm so happy to see him everything feels right when he is around. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. I rest my head on his chest and smell him in. Now this is my home this is exactly where I belong. Just being in his arms makes every doubt disappear from my head he makes me feel safe. "I've missed you" he tries pulling away but I fight him. I'm not ready to go back to the real world just yet. "What's wrong Muffin?" he ask as he twirls my hair around his finger. I don't have the strength to tell him everything right now. I'm hanging on from a piece of thread if I tell him I'll crack. "I'll tell you later can you just hold me?" I say with tears in my throat.

"Always baby let's go check you in" he says as we walk. I love that he can just drop this conversation for right now. I know that he'll ask me again later. "Hi Jane," Logan greets me with a contagious smile. "Hi Logan" I great him with my own smile. "That's much better now come give me a hug" he opens his arms. I smile and walk into his arms even hugging him makes me feel better. Over this few weeks Logan and I have really gotten to know each other. We have this bond between us that I never had with any one else. I see him as the brother I never had.

"Well guess what?" Gabe says as he comes back from checking us in. "What?" Logan and I both ask at the same time. Gabe pulls me out of Logan's arms causing me to giggle "Our flight got pushed up so it seems like we're actually boarding right now" he continues once I was tuck under his arm. "Really?" Logan ask with one eyebrow raised. I have a feeling my dad had something to do with this. "Yea so let's go" Gabe give Logan a small nod that I'm sure I wasn't suppose to see. I wonder what that was about? I can't believe this is really happening after I cross this metal detective I'm a free woman and this time it's for real. I can finally put every bad memory behind me.

"Please follow me," a cute blond says "your jet is waiting for you" she smiles at Gabe, but since he don't pay attention to her she moves to Logan, who gives her the same attention as Gabe. "Jet?" Logan ask Gabe, who just shrugs his shoulders but give him a look. What the hell is up with all these damn nods and looks? It's starting to piss me off.

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