With much love your,


What the hell is he talking about I don't need him no more? I'm always going to need him he is my dad! They left with out saying bye to me. That's why they were all acting weird yesterday. They all knew they were leaving and didn't say a word to me. It hurts to know I won't be able to say goodbye to them the proper way. Why does it feel like I'm never going to see them again? My dad said this wasn't a goodbye but that is exactly what it feels like. What truth is he talking about? Is he talking about my mom or something else I don't know?

I don't know how many times I read the letter over and over again trying to get some closure. Funny how karma works first I was the writer and now I'm the reader. He didn't even tell me where they were going. I know that if I call Sam she would tell me. I reach for my phone and dial her number. "Come on Sam answer" I chant as I pace back and forth. "Ya know what to do after the beep bitches" her voice mail comes out. Maybe she didn't hear it I try fooling myself as I redial her number. "Come on pick up the fucking phone" I yell to no one. "Ya kno-" I hang up and slam my phone against the desk. I don't even bother calling my dad he won't answer. It's to early for some scotch so I vote for coffee instead. I'm afraid that if I start with the scotch I won't be able to stop. I fold the letter back into the envelope and take it with me. I walk in to the kitchen and start the coffee. I open the fridge to get some milk and find my bowl of fruits waiting for me. Even with everything going on Nina still found the time to leave me my breakfast. My eyes start filling up with tears as my emotions start catching up with me. I never notice how empty I feel with out them. I wish I can go back and enjoy my time with my family.

"Find anything interest to watch?" Brains ask from behind me. I close the fridge and look over to him with tears in my eyes. "Need a hug?" he opens his arms for me. I nod as I dive in for the hug. That is exactly what I need right now. I need some one to tell me everything is going to be okay. "Everything is going to be fine bug" he calls me by the child nick name he gave me. He named me bug because he said I was always bothering him like a fly in a summer day and never went away even when he shoo me. "Do you know where they are?" I talk into his chest. I'm trying to control myself before pulling away. "No but I will be reunited with them later" he strokes my hair. Brain is one of the toughest man I've ever met but he always has had a soft spot for me. I know he is telling me the truth even if he did know where they were he wouldn't tell me unless my father gives him permission.

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