I walk over to my father's desk maybe I can find something to help me figure out what the hell is going on. The first thing that catches my eye is a white envelope leaning against a photo frame of my father and me. In front of the envelope the word Princess is written in my father's hand writing. My hearts drops to my stomach I have a bad feeling about this. The room starts to spin and my legs start to shake. I need to sit down. I pull my dad's chair out and take a seat. I don't know if it's just me but I can still smell my father's cologne on the chair. Did he leave this here for me to see it or was he going to give it to me later?

No, he knew that if I saw this I would open it on the spot. He left it here on purpose he knows me. Why didn't he just give it to me yesterday? Enough with all this damn questions let's see what's inside this damn envelope. With shaky hands I reach for the envelope.

Dear Princess,

You must be asking yourself where the hell is everyone? Well last night after our little talked I realized that there was no way I would be able to watch you leave again so I decided to leave before you. I was to much of a coward to say goodbye to you in person so I'm doing it over this letter. I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree huh? When I first held you in my arms I thought that the hardest part about being a parent was to provide and keep you safe but turns out I was wrong. The hardest thing about being a parent is to watch you grow up and not need me anymore. If it was up to me I would keep you locked up to protect you from any harm but look where that got me last time. I know that you still have a lot of questions and there are a lot of things that you still don't know but I'm sure you'll find out soon. I wish I could be there with you to answer any questions you'll have but for right now I can't. All I can tell you is that not everything in life is white or black there is always colors in between. Princess keep your mind open and don't believe everything you read or see. You're a smart girl always listen to your instinct. Brains is outside waiting for you he'll be taking you to the airport. This isn't a good bye we will see each other again very soon I promise and that's when I will tell you everything you want to know. Take care Princess love you always and for ever don't forget that.

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