After a quick workout at the gym I decided to stop by the bar to get a quick beer. Two months has gone by without no information on Jane's where about. Everyday that goes by drives me a little more crazy inside and the fact that I'm not allow to step one foot in the office isn't helping my case either. According to the Captain I'm not allow in there until I'm fully recover from my injury. Which I'm by the way. I've been going to physical therapy everyday since I left the hospital not because I wanted to or because I need it but because I had too. Last week was my last session and I finally got the approval to go back to work. I personality made sure to send the letter in to the Captain so I don't understand why I haven't gotten a call back to work. Instead of being back at work doing my part to find Jane, I'm here in a bar drinking a beer. How the hell is this going to help find Jane? I have no idea.

"Sup bro?" Logan ask as he takes the stool next to me. "Sup," I nod, greeting him "how did you know I was here?". I don't mind him being here but I thought he was still at work. "Well since this is the only place you have visit constantly. I took a wild guess" he lifts his finger to catch the waiter's attention. "Fuck off what do you want?" I ask trying to change the subject. I don't want to get into a heart to heart conversation right now. The reason why I come here is to disconnect myself from everything that is going on around me. I hate being home or even at Sophia's house everything there reminds me of Jane. "To hang out with my brother for one," he winks at the bartender, that funny enough I just notice it's a female "and to inform you that Captain Balvin is reassigning you back on the team".

I put my beer down and turn to face him "Are you serious?". That's the best news I have herd all month it's about damn time. I've been ready to go back to work since the day I woke up in the hospital. "Yeah but the Captain has decided to keep you off Jane's case" he adds like if it was no big deal. I should of fucking know there was a but in there. There is always a fucking but when it involves Balvin. "You got to be fucking kidding me" I slam my beer on the counter catching the people next to us attentions. "The Captain thinks that you're to 'emotional' attach and that will affect your ability to make decisions" he says with air quotes. Copyright 2016 - 2024