"Sammy baby" and there goes my good mood out the window no scratch that out the universe. Okay that's a little extreme but you get my point. "Over here babe" she jumps up to her feet like her ass is on fire. I pull out my iPod and start plugging in my headphones maybe he won't notice me here. "Well look what the cat dragged in or should I say out?" Raul laughs. Seriously who laughs at their own jokes? Psychopath that's who. "Leave her alone babe" Sammy jumps in before I can say something back. She runs into his arms and I have to fight the urge to throw up. I hate seeing her with that dick head but every time I try to bring it up we always end up fighting. The only reason why he is even going out with her is because I turned him down. Since I saw right through his good guy act he went for the next best thing. I don't want to sound conceited but it's true. At the end of the day it isn't even about Sammy and I. All he really cares about is the money and the power that comes with us.

"Jane agreed on coming with us to the party" she informs him never looking back at me. That bitch! She played me! I should of fucking know he was going. "She did?" he looks over to me and smirks. I give him the finger and turn on the music to tune both of them out. Funny enough 'Bring Me To Life' by Evanescence is the first song that plays. I wish some one would wake me up from this nightmare.

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