Although I'm happy that she finally realizes the truth I hate seeing her this upset. I place my hand on top of hers trying to give her some comfort "It's okay Sam you'll find your prince charming I promise". I know that her prince charming is out there some where she has to put herself out there. We all deserve to find our prince charming. She interlocks her fingers with mines and gives me a quick squeeze "Yeah but for now I have to settle for prince not so charming". Some thing inside of me snaps as soon as I hear her say that. She doesn't need to settle for anything especially for that scum bag. "You don't have to settle for anything if you don't want to be with him than don't unless he is making you," a light bull turns on "he isn't making you right?". The thought of Raul making her do anything turns on a fire inside of me that I didn't even know I had. I will kill him with my bare hands if that is the case. I'm not a murder but I will kill for the people I love. Sammy's laughter snaps me out of my anger "Relax prima did you forget who you're talking to?".

For a second I did forget who I was speaking to this is Sammy no one makes her do anything she don't want to do. I've seen her stand up to her father and brother millions of times. Sammy has balls and I bet they are bigger than Raul's. "Yeah you're right" I relax into the bed again. She let's go of my hand and sits up "Well I'm going shopping I need something to lift my spirit up do you want to come?". I lean on my elbows to get a better view of her "No, thanks I need to finish packing" I motion to the bag with my head. I would love to spend more time with Sam but I really have to finish packing. Plus Sam can literally be in the mall all day. "Boo you whore" she boos me as she leaves my room.

I probably should get back to packing but my stomach is calling out for some food. I expect to find Nina in the kitchen making something to cook but to my surprise the kitchen is empty. That's weird I wonder where she might be? I open the fridge to make a quick sandwich but I find my bowl of fruits instead. I can always count on Nina to have my breakfast ready I can't stop myself from smiling as I reach for my bowl. It's such a nice day today I might as well eat outside and smell the flowers. I grab a fork and walk outside to the patio. To my surprise I find my father already there. Copyright 2016 - 2024