I have no idea what to pack. Everything I need is back home or at least I hope so. I reach under my bed to grab Nina's things to put in the luggage. Once I'm done with these I'll find a way to get them back to her. I can't believe that in 2 days I'll be going home it's a bitter sweet moment for me. A part of me is so excited to go back to the life I've made for myself. To get back to my friends and my boyfriend of course. I'm even thinking about going to collage. I've never went to school it could be a fun experience. On the other hand it kills me to be away from my family again. Especially now that we're finally getting along. I walk into my closet and look around to see what I can take with me. I'm definite taking some dresses and some high heels. A girl can never have enough of those.

"How depressing" Sam says as she walks in. "What?" I yell from the closet. "You packing and shit" she answers with sadness in her voice. I walk back with a handful of dresses in one hand and a few pairs of heels on the other "It's just a few things". I walk over to the bed and dump my cloths on it. I don't feel like packing any more seeing Sammy this upset brings my mood down. "Like I said depressing" she drops into the bed causing my bag to jump. I move my bag to the floor and land right next to her on the bed. She takes a big breath and slowly let's it out a small sign. Oohoo I don't like the sound of that.

"Something wrong?" I turn to face her. "Besides you leaving me for a sex god," she looks up at the ceiling. I roll my eyes trying not to laugh "Besides that". There must be something bothering her because she was fine with me leaving a few days ago.

Sammy starts chewing on her bottom lip trying to find I way to tell me what's on her mind. "I don't know after seeing you with Gabe I've been rethinking my relationship with Raul" she signs. I feel a cloud of happiness inside of my chest. I want to get up and dance around the room but I hold back. "Really how so?" I ask causally like if I didn't care at all. "I don't know you guys fit so perfectly, you can tell how much you guys love each other just by being around ya. He looks at you like you're the most important thing in his life and you look at him like he is the only person in the world. Raul and I don't have that he don't look at me that way and I sure as hell don't look at him like that" she says sadly. I already knew that he wasn't in love with her but hearing say that she isn't either is a big relief.

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