"Some one thought it would be funny to get me wet but turns out jokes on them" Jane answers with humor in her voice. I feel Sammy's eye on me but I'm to busy sending death stares at Logan. "Relax" Logan says with his eyes. "I'll kill you in your sleep" I threat him with my eyes. "I know" he replies. "Well there is only one thing we can do" Sammy interrupts our silent conversation. From the corner of my eyes I see Sammy reaching for the rim of her dress and in one quick movement lifts it off her head. Before I can even process what's going on Jane is doing the same thing. "Oh hell no" I turn to her. "Relax dad" Sam rolls her eyes at me like a little girl dismissing her father. "Yeah live a little grandpa" Jane says as her dress hits my face. I can't even react all I can do is watch her run towards the water in her bra and pantie. I feel like I'm in some kind of Victoria Secret commercial. "Wow" Logan says under his breath reminding me he was even here. I back slap him against his chest with out taking my eyes off Jane "Stop staring".

Jane and Sammy are laughing as they splash water at each other. They look like little girls as they enjoy themselves. Jane is always stressing over everything that it's rare seeing her carefree. "They are really two beautiful girls" Logan says. I turn to face him because I know where this is going "Don't even think about it" I warn him.

I need for Jane and Logan to get along because I want them both in my life. They both mean a lot to me and it would make my life a living hell if they don't get along. I won't let him fuck this up by fucking Sammy over. "What?" he raise his eyebrow at me. "You know what not her she has it rough enough with out you fucking with her head" I say. I know Logan isn't a bad guy but he isn't boyfriend material either. "For your information I wasn't thinking what you think I was, but nice to know what you think of me" he runs his hand through his hair and walks away.

Wow where the hell did that come from? Some one is on their man period lately. He isn't the type of person who gives a fuck what people think of him something is wrong. I feel like a douch bag for bringing him down. I take a last look at Jane and then back to Logan. Damn do I stay and enjoy this beautiful view or do I go after my best friend? I need to go talk to him. "Bro," I call after him "I'm sorry who am I to tell you anything" I say as I catch up to him. He is a grown man and he knows what he is doing. He tucks his hands in front of his pockets "No you're right I am an asshole but believe me I wasn't thinking of doing nothing with Sammy I like her she deserves better than me or that asshole of a boyfriend she has".

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