Our bodies are wet and rubbing against each other. I can see her nipples and her lace underwear through her dress. I can see everything. Oh god I can see everything! Now I get her comment of wearing white. "Oh god you're wearing white" I quickly stand and extend my hand to help her up. Now that Jane is standing I get a better view of everything. Her dress is fully wet and clingy to her body like a second skin. My cock is so hard right now seeing her all wet and sexy in front of me. "Fuck me" I whisper as I take her in from head to toe. Jane puts her hand on her hips and tilts her head to the side "Told you I was wearing white". I quickly look around ready to hit the first bastard I catch staring at my girl. Luckily I find no one staring at her. I need to find a towel or something to cover her up. I don't like the idea of anyone looking at her. "Here take my shirt" I quickly take off my shirt to hand it to her. "Umm you're wearing white" she smirks at me. "Fuck" I growl making her laugh "What's funny?" I ask a little annoyed. I don't find none of this funny. "Relax we're on the beach everyone is wearing their bathing suite anyways" she says like if it's no big deal. I know she is right but I still don't like it one bit. "Beside that's what you get for getting me wet" she winks. I pull her into my arms "Maybe we should take advantage of how wet you are" I whisper. She knows exactly what I mean because her cheeks start turning red. "Cum on you know you want to" I shift my waist so she can feel my cock.

"You're an asshole" she says as she bites down on her lip. "That's nothing new" I crash my lips against hers. If I can't take her body than I'll take her mouth. I've never been the kind of guy to show affection but with Jane I can't stop.

"You guys are so cute that you're actually disgusting" Sammy yells from behind us. Jane pulls back and frowns "Shut up". I quickly turn to face Logan who is staring at Jane. I clear my throat to catch his attention at this point I'm ready to punch him in his face. He shifts his eyes to meet mines and I swear if I could kill him with my eyes he would be dead by now. "Wow what happen to you?" Sam ask Jane.

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